Safeguard our mission and extend excellence beyond the classroom.
As an independent school, Tessa International School is putting in place a Board whose activities follow the ‘good practice’ guidelines set by NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools). Board members volunteer their time to Tessa. They are not compensated and do not derive any financial benefit.
One of the most important missions of Tessa International School’s Board is to be the guardian of the School’s mission.
In addition, the board supports formal strategic planning, oversees the School’s operations and stewards the school’s resources.
The board works in tandem with the Head of school while focusing on its primary work on long-range and strategic issues.
Board service requires a significant commitment to the school and its welfare, observance of the highest ethical standards and principles of fiscal integrity, and a readiness to explore challenges and gain consensus with fellow board members.
The Board generally meets quarterly and has several standing committees which meet regularly and report to the Board. Its working committees meet regularly, and then share their work, conclusions or recommendations during the meetings. The Board produces minutes, which are archived.
Since 2021, she is also Conseillère des Français de l’étranger.