At Tessa, It’s Safety First!

As parents, you take all the extra steps necessary to ensure your child is safe and healthy. High standards for classroom safety and cleanliness are reassurance that your child’s well-being is our top priority. Every child will experience the usual bumps, bruises, sniffles and sneezes from time to time. But keeping these to a minimum should be the goal. An important question you may ask is “How does your staff make safety and cleanliness a top priority for your students?” Tessa International School would like to share with you our objectives toward safety and security.

Security Features and Initiatives

  • Mr. Dan and Ms. Rotana are now regularly greeting families at the front door.
  • A double-entry door is planned behind the front door and architectural drawings are underway.
    • A second door will require parents to buzz in twice and will act as a buffer so that no person may directly enter the school without first being authorized.
  • Hoboken Police Officer Lieutenant Melissa Gigante will soon be visiting the school for a safety survey (and visit to Grade 1!).
  • The Monroe Center now has an armed guard present in the main space of the Monroe Center.
  • Tessa staff members have recently taken a CPR/FA course for certification to ensure we are properly trained in up-to-date emergency procedures.
  • Tessa has continued the Safety and Security Committee. Committee Head Alissa Reeves in conjunction with committee members Maria Cintron and Yoa Meikle are reviewing current safety procedures to denote methods of improvement.
    • Child Allergy/Medication Notes
    • First Aid/CPR responses
    • Procedures for teaching children to recognize and develop appropriate responses for emergency situations (e.g.,.- Dial 911, universal sign for choking, stranger danger, safe play with peers, attentiveness to social-emotional learning)
    • Emergency phone numbers posted in each classroom and at front desk.

Preparation and Drills (Continuing)

  • Monthly Fire Drills.
    • Fire drills are announced through our Amazon Echo Dots. Teachers gather the children and exit by the side door and congregate at one of three locations: The corner of Panello pizzeria, the front of the park on Jackson and 7th, or Hoboken Catholic Academy (inside the gym for Indoor Evacuations).
    • Dan Buck, Head of School, times the drill and collects the count of students from the teachers.
  • Lockdown Drills.
    • Lockdown drills are practiced at least twice per year.
    • Lockdown drills are communicated to staff by the Head of School. Doors are closed and locked, shades are drawn, quiet activity engaged and emergency escape routes planned.

Tips for Parents

  • Don’t forget to check Brightwheel for notices about your child and classroom. Did you know you can update your Contact Information in your child’s profile? Please check your child’s Brightwheel page to verify Emergency Contacts and Approved Pickups.
  • Practice safety and emergency procedures with your child at home.
  • Inform Alissa Reeves of any changes in your Contacts.
  • Make sure that your Universal Health form, allergy information, and flu shots are all up-to-date at the front desk.

Thank you for helping keep Tessa International School a safe and secure space for your child’s education and development.

-Alissa Reeves

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Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030