Preparing for School During the Pandemic: How to Plan Ahead

Preparing for School During the Pandemic: How to Plan Ahead

With so many uncertainties about the upcoming school year, many families are full of questions and wondering what’s in store for their children this fall. While government officials and school administrations work to hash out exactly what the next school year is going to look like in the wake of COVID-19, rest assured, there are ways parents can begin preparing for school during the pandemic.

Preparing for School During the Pandemic

As we begin to open up dialogues with our children regarding their return to the classroom this fall after an extended distance learning session and summer break, many parents will likely be faced with a montage of questions. Trying to outline just what this next school year will bring is a tricky subject since there are still so many unknowns, but one of the most important aspects is to remain flexible and understanding of change.

Our upcoming school year will most certainly not look like any previous years and that can cause a bit of confusion and anxiety for children. As parents, the best way to prepare our children for these changes is by making them aware of them in advance and by practicing what this may look like at home in order to help them get used to certain health and safety requirements that will surely be part of their new routine.

Tips to Keep Kids Safe Upon Their Return to School

Upon their return to school, kids will be faced with many new policies and routines that will likely take some getting used to. To help ease this transition, there are a few things parents can do to help keep their children safe as well as prepare them for the changes ahead:

  • Practice frequent hand washing. Your child should be aware of the importance for frequent hand washing as well as practice making a conscious effort not to touch communal items unless absolutely necessary.
  • Prepare them for the 6 feet rule. Most classrooms will be practicing the 6 feet rule, meaning desks will likely be spaced further apart than they may be used to. Let children know not to attempt to move closer and the reasons for the distance.
  • Participate in cleaning and disinfecting stations. Make your children aware of the importance of keeping items clean and sanitized and prepare them to help their school administrators with these tasks if asked to do so.
  • Get them used to PPE. Most of us are more than familiar with using personal protection equipment (PPE) by now, but since it will likely be a requirement for children this fall, it’s a good idea to get children used to the practice as well, if not already.

Preparing for School Changes

Knowing to expect a great deal of changes this school year is half the battle with preparing children for the break from the norm. Be sure to keep your children in the loop of the new changes as things develop closer to the first day of school – this way they have time to adjust without being thrown into an unfamiliar school situation from day one.

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