
What is immersion education?


Immersion education is a teaching method where students learn all subjects in a target language like French, Spanish, or Mandarin. It works best when children start early, as they can easily pick up language nuances. These classrooms offer efficient learning environments with quick transitions.

Teachers who are fluent and native speakers of the target language, commit to speaking it consistently. They use the target language during instruction, transitions, outdoor play, and meal times. Teachers pay close attention to students’ needs and individual learning styles.


The classroom features a literacy-rich environment with pictures, labels, and meaningful visuals to support the target language throughout the day. Teachers adeptly help comprehension through non-verbal clues and smart teaching strategies.

Days are organized, routines are consistent, and key phrases and vocabulary repeat often to boost vocabulary development. Children make connections across the curriculum as the target language and English curriculum align, reinforcing concepts and ideas in both languages.

Will your child lose their English?

Research indicates that children in immersion settings perform the same or better than their non-immersion peers.

What if you don’t speak the target language at home?

Your child can still succeed and gain proficiency even if you don’t speak the target language. Homework uses songs and games to review classroom learning in a fun and engaging way. Strong communication with your child’s teacher is essential for success.

It’s all in the way we learn…Total Physical Response (TPR)

James Asher, an American professor, developed a language teaching approach known as Total Physical Response (TPR) in the 1960s. This method suggests that memory improves when linked with physical movements.

TPR-based activities help children learn language through movements. These activities complement the classroom curriculum, and are both engaging and enjoyable.

We may not always think of TPR, but many games have TPR principles built in, like “Simon Says” or “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. For example, TPR can be applied in learning Mandarin:

TPR enhances both short-term and long-term memory. When we learn to ride a bike, we always remember how, regardless of the years that have passed. We might need a quick refresher, but the skills remain.

TPR offers several benefits, such as helping learners understand target languages and supporting long-term retention in a stress-free way. This method can teach vocabulary related to actions, classroom directions, and storytelling. Teachers plan lessons with TPR to encourage engagement and improve listening fluency. Once learners have enough listening fluency, they start speaking the target language. Below is an example of TPR in the classroom.

You can read more at Total Physical Response (TPR).

Focusing on individual learning needs improves learning outcomes


Understanding Individual learning?

Individual learning is closely related to differentiated instruction. While differentiated instruction focuses on flexible grouping of children, individualized instruction emphasizes the needs of each child. Good classrooms balance both differentiated methods and individualized learning to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment.

Why is individualized instruction important?

Meeting the varied needs of children can be a daunting task for educators. It takes more planning and assessment of student progress, but the benefits far outweigh the cons. Individualized instruction prepares children to become active and effective learners, developing the skills needed to be lifelong learners in an ever-evolving world. With the varied aptitude levels of children, individualized instruction uses their differences to increase morale, retain information, and enhance engagement in learning.

Starting the Process?

There are five essential steps to creating a successful individual learning classroom:


  1. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely goals
  2. Goals should be challenging
  3. Setting goals that are dynamic and reviewed regularly
  4. Letting students own their progress
  5. Active Parent Involvement

What are some methods to individualize learning?

Teachers plan carefully and collaboratively to ensure they use meaningful data to gain insights on how individual children progress toward a goal. Shifting away from lengthy whole-group lessons to more play-based centers and inquiry-based projects allows for strategic use of current technological resources. Teachers design engaging lessons that tap into the natural curiosity of each child.

Providing opportunities for children to approach their learning in various ways offers more chances to retain information, improving morale and excitement for learning.

What are the benefits of individual learning?

Individualized learning allows students to learn at their own pace with teacher direction. They still work towards rigorous and challenging learning outcomes, but they are provided with a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning that lead to positive outcomes.

Join us at Tessa International School

Discover why our bilingual curriculum is one of the best! Explore how we combine learning with fun, making new friends, and encouraging a global mindset.

Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030