A student at TESSA French International School raising his hand in class

From Speech to Script: How Does Oral Language Empower Children’s Writing

As educators at Tessa International School, we witness daily the incredible journey our young students undertake as they navigate learning. A key aspect of this journey, especially in the formative years of education, is the development of oral language and its significant impact on writing skills. But how does oral language support children’s writing?

Understanding the interconnection between spoken language and written expression is crucial for supporting our children’s academic and personal growth. Keep reading to learn more about this fascinating connection and how our curriculum nurtures strong literacy skills that serve our students well into the future.

The Foundation of Literacy

Oral language serves as the foundation of literacy. Before children can read or write, they speak and listen. This initial stage of language acquisition is where they start to understand language structure, expand their vocabulary, and learn to communicate effectively. In our diverse classrooms, children are exposed to a rich tapestry of sounds, words, and sentence structures, which, in turn, enriches their linguistic capabilities.

A student at TESSA French International School writing

Our French international school builds strong literacy skills through oral learning activities.

Bridging Oral and Written Skills: How Does Oral Language Empower Children’s Writing?

The leap from speaking to writing is significant. Writing requires children to process their thoughts, structure them coherently, and present them in a way others can understand. How does oral language empower children’s writing?

The skills developed through oral language activities – storytelling, discussions, and presentations provide children with a robust framework for correctly conceptualizing their ideas and transforming them into compelling writing. As children learn to express themselves verbally, they gain confidence in communicating through the written word.

Empowering Creative Expression

Creativity and self-expression flourish when children feel confident in their language abilities. What are the effects of oral language on written expression? Oral language development helps children explore their thoughts and feelings in boundless, expansive ways. At Tessa, activities like Storybuilders Drama stimulate imagination and expression.

Effective self-expression through oral communication is a highly transferable skill that paves the way for excellent writing skills. When children realize that their spoken or written words have value, they are likely to take risks in their writing, leading to more expressive and meaningful work.

A student at TESSA French International School presenting in front of the class

Our French international school fosters effective expression and communication skills.

Enhancing Academic Performance

The correlation between strong oral language skills and academic achievement is well-documented. Children proficient in oral language tend to have an easier time understanding reading materials, engaging in classroom discussions, and grasping complex concepts.

How does oral language help children? With a solid oral language foundation, students can better organize their thoughts, reason through arguments, and convey their understanding of various subjects through writing. Oral communication skills in several languages also give children a significant academic advantage.

Tessa’s French Immersion School program and its other two bilingual tracks, Mandarin and Spanish, each paired with English instruction, enhance the multicultural and immersive learning environment.

Social and Emotional Development

Oral language is deeply intertwined with social and emotional development. Children learn to empathize with others, understand different perspectives, and navigate social situations through conversations.

These skills are invaluable when it comes to writing, as they enable children to consider their audience, understand the impact of their words, and communicate more effectively.

Our Role as Educators and Parents

At our French international school, we are committed to nurturing our students’ oral language development through various activities and strategies. As our children progress through their educational journey, the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and express themselves confidently in writing will serve them well beyond the classroom walls.

Our collective responsibility as educators and parents is to empower our young learners with the gift of language, unlocking doors to endless possibilities and opportunities. The link between oral language and writing is undeniable and profound.

By fostering an environment that values and encourages the development of oral language skills, we set our children on the path to becoming confident, creative, and capable communicators.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How does oral language help children?

Answer: With a solid oral language foundation, students can better organize their thoughts, reason through arguments, and convey their understanding of various subjects through writing

Question: What are the effects of oral language on written expression?

Answer: Oral language development helps children explore their thoughts and feelings in a boundless, expansive way. At Tessa, activities like Storybuilders Drama stimulate imagination and expression.

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Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030