
A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

How to Support Your Child as An IB PYP Parent

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is widely regarded as one of the most rigorous educational curricula worldwide, designed to develop “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect” (International Baccalaureate Organization, or IBO). While it offers significant benefits, it’s natural for parents to feel uncertain about what it involves and how to best support their child, especially in the early stages of the IB Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), when children are just starting to explore how they learn. So, how can caregivers support their child’s exciting and rewarding educational journey?

A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

As a PYP parent, there are multiple specific ways you can support your child.

IB PYP at A Glance

IB PYP nurtures and develops young students, aged 3-12, as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. This Programme focuses a student-centered approach, with its framework emphasizing the central principle of agency, which underpins the three pillars of school life:

  • the learner
  • learning and teaching
  • the learning community.

Embedded within this framework is the recognition of the importance of fostering an individual’s self-efficacy. Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy are active participants in their own learning and take meaningful action within their learning community.

5 Tips to Support Your Child as A Learning Partner

As essential members of their child’s learning community, IB PYP parents play a key role in helping them deepen their learning. Here are five accessible ways, shared by the IBO, for parents to support their child’s learning at home. If you’re wondering how to better assist your child, these strategies will help you guide them in becoming lifelong learners, whether through formal learning connected to school or through incidental, unplanned learning from play, exploration, and life experiences.

  1. Take an inquiry stance. Parents are primary role models of their children, so your attitudes and positions can radically transform how children engage with the world. Instead of providing immediate answers to your child’s questions, encourage curiosity by responding with open-ended questions like, “What do you notice?” or “How might we explore that further?” This approach not only fosters critical thinking but also reinforces the value of inquiry-based learning through shared discovery. 
  2. Support your child’s agency. Empower your child by involving them in decision-making and encouraging their self-expression. Create time and space for their independent discoveries, and hold back from giving too many suggestions. By supporting their choices and emphasizing personal responsibility in their learning, you nurture children’s independence and self-confidence. 
  3. Support conceptual understanding. This notion is at the heart of IB PYP, where learning occurs through concept-driven Units of Inquiry within a transdisciplinary framework. During the Inquiry Learning Cycle, consider asking questions such as “What strategy did you use?” and “How and why did you do that?” These questions value their approach to the answers, encouraging children to articulate their reasoning and remain actively engaged in learning. More importantly, this process promotes them to connect ideas across disciplines and subjects, fostering a richer and more meaningful understanding of abstract concepts. 
  4. Prioritize reflection. Being reflective is one of the core attributes of the IB Learner Profiles, helping individuals become responsible members of communities. By encouraging children to think about their own thinking, you can help them develop metacognitive abilities and facilitate higher order thinking, including application, analysis, evaluation, and creation.
  5. Give feedback that goes beyond the moment. Comparing questions like “How are you doing?” with “What might come next? ”, you will find that the former may result in less thoughtful and forward-looking responses, while the latter shifts the focus from immediate, isolated outcomes to continuous learning. Whether during Student-Led Conferences or everyday learning moments, it is beneficial for parents to guide their children toward long-term growth and future inquiry.

IB PYP at Tessa International School

Tessa is proud to be an IB World School offering the PYP to students aged 2 to 10. Following its transdisciplinary framework, excellence spans across Science, Social Studies, Language and Literacy, Math, Arts, Social-Emotional Learning, and Physical Education, all while nurturing a lifelong love of learning in our students. 

As an international school offering bilingual education, the robust French National, Spanish, and Chinese Curricula as well as the US Standards are seamlessly integrated into our IB PYP Framework, formulating our distinctive educational approach. Students actively engage with dynamic unit topics through an immersive language experience grounded in real-life situations.


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