A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

How to Support Your Child as An IB PYP Parent

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is widely regarded as one of the most rigorous educational curricula worldwide, designed to develop “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect” (International Baccalaureate Organization, or IBO). While it offers significant benefits, it’s natural for parents to feel uncertain about what it involves and how to best support their child, especially in the early stages of the IB Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), when children are just starting to explore how they learn. So, how can caregivers support their child’s exciting and rewarding educational journey?

A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

As a PYP parent, there are multiple specific ways you can support your child.

IB PYP at A Glance

IB PYP nurtures and develops young students, aged 3-12, as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. This Programme focuses a student-centered approach, with its framework emphasizing the central principle of agency, which underpins the three pillars of school life:

  • the learner
  • learning and teaching
  • the learning community.

Embedded within this framework is the recognition of the importance of fostering an individual’s self-efficacy. Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy are active participants in their own learning and take meaningful action within their learning community.

5 Tips to Support Your Child as A Learning Partner

As essential members of their child’s learning community, IB PYP parents play a key role in helping them deepen their learning. Here are five accessible ways, shared by the IBO, for parents to support their child’s learning at home. If you’re wondering how to better assist your child, these strategies will help you guide them in becoming lifelong learners, whether through formal learning connected to school or through incidental, unplanned learning from play, exploration, and life experiences.

  1. Take an inquiry stance. Parents are primary role models of their children, so your attitudes and positions can radically transform how children engage with the world. Instead of providing immediate answers to your child’s questions, encourage curiosity by responding with open-ended questions like, “What do you notice?” or “How might we explore that further?” This approach not only fosters critical thinking but also reinforces the value of inquiry-based learning through shared discovery. 
  2. Support your child’s agency. Empower your child by involving them in decision-making and encouraging their self-expression. Create time and space for their independent discoveries, and hold back from giving too many suggestions. By supporting their choices and emphasizing personal responsibility in their learning, you nurture children’s independence and self-confidence. 
  3. Support conceptual understanding. This notion is at the heart of IB PYP, where learning occurs through concept-driven Units of Inquiry within a transdisciplinary framework. During the Inquiry Learning Cycle, consider asking questions such as “What strategy did you use?” and “How and why did you do that?” These questions value their approach to the answers, encouraging children to articulate their reasoning and remain actively engaged in learning. More importantly, this process promotes them to connect ideas across disciplines and subjects, fostering a richer and more meaningful understanding of abstract concepts. 
  4. Prioritize reflection. Being reflective is one of the core attributes of the IB Learner Profiles, helping individuals become responsible members of communities. By encouraging children to think about their own thinking, you can help them develop metacognitive abilities and facilitate higher order thinking, including application, analysis, evaluation, and creation.
  5. Give feedback that goes beyond the moment. Comparing questions like “How are you doing?” with “What might come next? ”, you will find that the former may result in less thoughtful and forward-looking responses, while the latter shifts the focus from immediate, isolated outcomes to continuous learning. Whether during Student-Led Conferences or everyday learning moments, it is beneficial for parents to guide their children toward long-term growth and future inquiry.

IB PYP at Tessa International School

Tessa is proud to be an IB World School offering the PYP to students aged 2 to 10. Following its transdisciplinary framework, excellence spans across Science, Social Studies, Language and Literacy, Math, Arts, Social-Emotional Learning, and Physical Education, all while nurturing a lifelong love of learning in our students. 

As an international school offering bilingual education, the robust French National, Spanish, and Chinese Curricula as well as the US Standards are seamlessly integrated into our IB PYP Framework, formulating our distinctive educational approach. Students actively engage with dynamic unit topics through an immersive language experience grounded in real-life situations.


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An international baccalaureate primary years program student in a science class

Benefits of the IB Primary Years Program in Early Education

Choosing the right early education program for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. At Tessa International School in Hoboken, we understand the significance of this decision, which is why we offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. 

This comprehensive and dynamic educational framework is designed to nurture young learners and set the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Here, we explore the benefits of the IB PYP and what makes our implementation at Tessa International School uniquely impactful.

Introducing the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program

What is the Primary Years Program in IB? The IB PYP is a curriculum framework that goes beyond traditional subject-based learning. It encourages students to explore topics through various lenses, fostering a transdisciplinary approach that draws on all subjects. This method allows students to seek patterns and make real-world connections, creating a richer and more meaningful learning experience.

An international baccalaureate primary years program student learning numbers

The International Baccalaureate Primary School Program promotes a rich learning experience.

Benefits of the IB Primary Years Program

What are the benefits of IB PYP? They are manifold! The benefits of the IB PYP include deeper thinking, enhanced communication skills, and responsibility in young learners. Evie’s parents highlight the benefits they’ve seen:

“Our family chose Tessa International School for many reasons. At the top of our list were the world cultures focus and dual language opportunities that the school provides for our daughter in her daily life. At Tessa, our daughter is able to grow and learn in an environment that is accepting and open. Learning two languages allows her to engage in a way that shows her there is more to the world than her local surroundings.

We also love that the Tessa team takes the time to understand the children and adapt learning activities to fit their learning profiles. We couldn’t be happier with the program and are excited to grow with Tessa.” 

Fostering Deeper Thinking

One of the primary benefits of international baccalaureate education is its ability to help students think deeper. Students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world by seeing connections between seemingly separate subjects. This interconnected approach ensures that learning is broad and deep, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Enhancing Communication Skills

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program framework also helps students become better communicators.  Children learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively as they express their knowledge and ideas across different disciplines. Whether through writing, speaking, or artistic expression, students gain confidence in their ability to communicate, a crucial skill for success in all areas of life.

Developing Responsible Individuals

At Tessa International School, education should impart knowledge and develop responsible individuals. The IB PYP framework encourages students to grapple with complex issues and learn to take action. Through inquiry-based learning and real-life scenarios, students engage with topics that matter, fostering a sense of responsibility and a desire to impact the world positively.

The Unique Approach at Tessa International School

Our emphasis on real-world connections sets the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) at Tessa International School apart. Students actively engage with real-life scenarios, exploring concepts through hands-on experiences. This approach makes learning more engaging while helping students understand the relevance of their education to the world around them.

The ultimate goal of the IB PYP at Tessa International School is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to become lifelong learners. By going beyond subject boundaries, our students learn how to think. This critical thinking ability prepares them for success in an ever-changing world, ensuring they are ready to face future challenges with confidence and creativity.

A pair of international baccalaureate primary years program students doing a sensory activity

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program at Tessa fosters holistic learning.

Prepare for Success With Tessa International School

At Tessa International School, the IB Primary Years Program provides a unique and enriching educational experience that nurtures young learners and prepares them for a lifetime of success. 

We ensure our students receive a comprehensive education by fostering deeper thinking, enhancing communication skills, and developing responsible individuals. With our unique approach to real-world connections and transdisciplinary learning, we are proud to offer a  program that sets our students on the path to becoming lifelong learners.

Are you ready to enroll your child in one of the leading Hoboken private schools

Contact Tessa International School for more information! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the Primary Years Program in IB

Answer: The IB PYP is a curriculum framework beyond traditional subject-based learning.  It encourages students to explore topics through various lenses, fostering a transdisciplinary approach that draws on all subjects.

Question: What are the benefits of IB PYP? 

Answer: They are manifold! The benefits of the IB PYP include deeper thinking, enhanced communication skills, and responsibility in young learners.

A student in the international baccalaureate at TESSA working at a table

What Is the IB Primary Years Programme?

If you’re exploring educational options for your child, you’ve likely heard of the international baccalaureate. What Is the IB Primary Years Programme? Rooted in the belief that education should go beyond the confines of traditional classroom learning, an IB education aims to nurture well-rounded leaders equipped with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to thrive in an interconnected world. Today, we’ll explore the philosophy at the heart of the IB Primary Years Programme, its benefits, and why you should choose the program at Tessa International School.

What Is the IB Primary Years Programme?

What does the international baccalaureate mean? The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized educational program that provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to learning. Specifically, the IB Primary Years Programme is a transdisciplinary, inquiry-based, and learner-centered educational framework. The curriculum is meant to be engaging, significant, challenging, and tailored to suit the individual learning levels and developmental needs of students.

A student in the international baccalaureate program waving two flags

The international baccalaureate program at Tessa is an intellectually enriching environment.

With a focus on international-mindedness, the IB organization encourages students to appreciate different cultures, follow their natural curiosity, and develop a sense of social responsibility – all values we cherish at Tessa International School.

The IB Primary Years Programme offers a challenging and rigorous curriculum based on constructivist and social-constructivist learning theories. Under the constructivism learning theory,  students construct a knowledge of themselves and their community. The PYP curriculum emphasizes collaborative inquiry, agency, voice, and the student’s involvement in their learning. Students are encouraged to engage their sense of personal agency and self-efficacy to take positive action within the school environment and throughout their lives.

Graduates of the IB Primary Years Programme are poised to move on to the next level of their IB education. Ultimately, they will lead fulfilling lives and positively contribute to the global community. Now that you know the initial question: what is the IB primary years programme? It’s time to explore the benefits waiting in store.

Benefits of the IB Diploma Program

So, what benefits can you expect for your child? Here at Tessa, we understand the advantages of introducing children to IB teachings early on. Academic advantages include:

  • Global Recognition: The international baccalaureate program is recognized and respected worldwide, opening doors to higher education institutions and career opportunities globally. Universities often value IB graduates for their well-rounded skill set and commitment to community service.
  • Critical Thinking Skills: The program’s emphasis on agency, self-directed learning, collective inquiry, and curiosity equips students with skills beyond memorization. These skills are essential for success in any educational endeavor and the professional world.
  • Producing Well-Rounded, Confident  Leaders: By incorporating agency, student-centered learning, IB PYP students develop a strong self-concept and awareness of their community. As a result, they become academically capable, socially responsible, culturally aware, and ready to lead.
A student in the international baccalaureate program working with a teacher at a desk

The international baccalaureate program at Tessa offers students a solid foundation for success.

Why Choose the IB Primary Years Programme at Tessa?

At Tessa International School, we are committed to providing an exceptional IB education through our accredited Primary Years Programme. Our dedicated and highly qualified faculty are passionate about fostering a love of learning and guiding students through the intellectual challenges of this rigorous program. Their expertise ensures that students receive the support they need to excel in their studies.

Many opportunities for our students to participate in skill-based extracurricular activities allow them to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum while exploring their passions and interests. The IB Diploma Program at Tessa International School empowers young leaders by fostering critical thinking, global awareness, and social responsibility. The earlier students are introduced to these benefits, the better. Start exploring a bright educational future for your child now!


Q: What does the international baccalaureate mean? 

A: The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized educational program that provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to learning.

Q: What does having an IB diploma do?

A: The international baccalaureate offers students a broader range of benefits and opportunities, such as Global Recognition and various skills.


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End of Unit Projects in the IB PYP

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) promotes the holistic development of children. In addition to academic skills, the focus is on character building and social, physical and emotional development. Many lessons include problem-solving tasks and projects that encourage students’ creativity. Our students are regularly encouraged to choose creative ways of solving problems, also when presenting what they have learned at the end of a teaching unit. Each End of Unit is concluded by a celebration and/or a project. 


End of Unit Project


Last week, all of our primary students met to work on a project together, to conclude their unit of inquiry. At Tessa International School, we have three dual-language tracks: French, Mandarin and Spanish. Students from the different tracks love to interact with each other, sharing the language but also different concepts they studied independently in their classrooms. 

Their Unit of Inquiry, Who we Are, focused on the central idea that as responsible citizens, we contribute to our community.

They learned about: 

  • What a citizen is.
  • Rights and responsibilities of citizens.
  • Community helpers and their role in the wellbeing of our community.


For this project, they explored the use of community buildings, and the duties of community helpers.

Divided into small groups, they were given a problem: how could they reuse a big pile of cardboard (that they collected in a previous project) and make it into something useful to the community? They came up with the idea to build a city: they needed a hospital, a school, housing, a fire station… 

This project allowed them to put into practice various skills such as problem solving, team collaboration, geometry, civic education, literacy and arts- a true transdisciplinary activity!


The Leadership Idea in PYP

The PYP Unit of Inquiry strongly promotes ownership by empowering students to take action at the end of a teaching unit based on what they have learned. During their projects, PYP students are inspired to think about themselves and their world and to solve problems. 

Focus on International Baccalaureate: The Teaching Differences

Focus on International Baccalaureate: The Teaching Differences

The benefits of International Baccalaureate (IB) programs are unparalleled during primary and secondary education, as well as post-graduation. IB programs give students a unique learning experience they will carry with them throughout their educational careers and beyond.

According to the IB organization’s website, the programs are gaining momentum collectively. Their latest annual statistics bulletin, published in March 2019, showed an increase of 39 percent in global IB program participation.

So, what is it about IB teaching programs that is garnering so much attention in the educational world? To put it simply, it’s an educational curriculum that’s focused on individual thinking with global responsibility.

To understand its effectiveness, we must first understand its differences. In other words, how does IB teaching differ from traditional teaching methods?

The IB Program

The International Baccalaureate program is one that was founded in Switzerland half a century ago with the purpose of broadening global learning and responsibility. As such, the teachings have since expanded immensely and developed methods that promote this multicultural educational experience.

Since its creation, the IB program has grown exponentially and is now incorporated in thousands of educational facilities worldwide. It is also offered across four different educational program levels ranging from early childhood education up through adult career programs. Each level focuses on different aspects of multicultural learning, but the techniques share the same basis. They are also distinctly different from traditional teaching methods.

IB Teaching Differences

IB programs are focused on giving students the ability to expand their knowledge outside the four walls of their homes and classrooms. The teaching is based on global communities and critical thinking that impacts larger-scale communities. In other words, it is focused on tearing down the cultural divides that separate us with traditional learning.

The cornerstone of IB teaching lies with bilingualism and multilingualism. In order to break down cultural barriers, we must first be able to communicate with other cultures. For that reason, foreign language is an integral part of all IB programs.

IB learning is about so much more than bilingualism, however. Course offerings in foreign languages alone do not qualify an educational facility for IB learning credentials. The IB learning experience is about using those courses as one part of a multi-faceted teaching approach.

Multi-Faceted Teaching

According to the International Baccalaureate Organization’s website, there are specific criteria that define an IB program and differentiate it from standardized teaching. The teaching approach must include the following:

  • An emphasis on critical thinking and encouraging students to challenge their knowledge
  • Key teachings on procuring credible, quality research on all inquests
  • Encouraging students to think on a global scale – outside of local and national levels and agendas
  • Focus on developing multilingual skills to expand global communication opportunities

Overall, the difference between IB teaching and traditional standardized teaching approaches lies with the bigger picture. The focus of IB teaching is to give students a solid foundation for learning that will drive them in their educational careers for years to come. It is to give students a sense of purpose measured well beyond localized issues and test results. IB teaching instead, focuses on arming students with tools to break down international barriers, and the drive to actively participate in the world around them. It is a method that instills a feeling of multicultural connectivity and global responsibility – one which will follow them throughout their lives.

The Benefits of International Baccalaureate Education Programs

The Benefits of International Baccalaureate Education Programs

With unparalleled benefits, international baccalaureate educational programs are gaining in popularity across the country. By focusing curricula on a greater global cultural experience, children involved in these programs are exposed to “bigger picture” education. How? Let’s take a look.

According to the International Baccalaureate (IB) organization, programs focused on IB “strive to develop students who will build a better world through intercultural understanding and respect.” By incorporating international studies within the framework of daily curricula, IB schools teach children to consider larger scale imperatives.

What Is International Baccalaureate Education

The concept of IB programs lies with a focus on global thinking across all platforms and processes. While it certainly includes international language disciplines, IB studies root much deeper into the curricula than one area of discipline.


“The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.” – IBO.org.

With stress on crossing cultural borders through educational experience, IB programs create a unique, all-inclusive curriculum for students. It works by encouraging students to develop critical thinking skills that allow them to see issues on a global scale, rather than simply processing closed, local elements.

How It Works

Since IB programs are a deeper concept than simple course curriculum, they build a stronger understanding of international issues. These programs are more in-depth than studying cultural textbooks. They are a focus on meaningful cultural experiences and encourage interaction on a level far beyond the classroom.

This learning begins with language learning, as mentioned previously. The cornerstone of any IB program is to first be able to communicate effectively with others globally. This is done by teaching students in a bilingual or multi-lingual manner. Since communication is critical to accomplishing change on any level, it goes without saying that being able to communicate with a larger global population would open doors to greater changes.

Going Beyond the Languages

It’s true that foreign language learning is a crucial piece of all IB learning programs, but IB learning goes well beyond language coursework. Integrated within the curricula, IB programs must also include an interactive approach which encourages students to go beyond the textbook. These elements of the IB program are what make them stand out amongst traditional learning techniques.

By placing interactive opportunities in front of students, the IB experience gets learners out of the classroom and into situations which promote cognitive expansion. It is a means of introducing students to a broader understanding of cultures and the collective good by allowing them to develop early critical thinking skills.

“These elements challenge the student to critically consider power and privilege, and to recognize that he or she holds this planet and its resources in trust for future generations… (it is) a focus on moving beyond awareness and understanding to engagement, action and bringing about meaningful change.” – IBO.org.

The International Difference

The difference between IB learning and traditional educational experiences lies within the method of developing independent thinking and actions. By immersing students in an international mindset, the difference goes well beyond traditional standardized learning.

Rather than a strict focus on textbook curricula, students are taught to think on a broader scale across all coursework. In other words, they are taught to think (and act) beyond the book. They also learn to think and act beyond localized cultures and issues as well, which is a skill that will be critical for future development.

The Benefits of IB Learning

International Baccalaureate programs offer a wide range of benefits to students. While some may be obvious – such as giving them a broader perspective on global and cultural issues – there are many more benefits to consider as well.

With bilingualism and multilingualism at the base of IB learning, students gain critical communication skills that will serve them throughout their lives and careers. By expanding their ability to communicate with other cultures, they are increasing their opportunities to make a greater impact across the globe.

Improved communication skills follow students into every aspect of life. In addition, the unique multi-cultural experiences they learn in school will allow them to not only pick up communication skills, but also critical thinking and learning skills in general.

“Students are able to take responsibility for their own learning and understand how knowledge itself is constructed… They are encouraged to try different approaches to learning and to take responsibility for their own educational progress.” – IBO.org.

This independent teaching and learning process gives students the means to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios with greater cognitive reasoning and approach. In essence, it allows students to learn a better way to learn.

These crucial skills are assets that students will carry with them well beyond graduation. It will play a role in gaining them the best experiences with post-graduation training and education. In fact, according to the IBO.org, students who have access to International Baccalaureate programs during primary and secondary schooling have greater access to the world’s most prestigious universities after commencement.

University Appeal

Overall, students who attend facilities with IB programming tend to be highly attractive to top ranked universities. Why? These students offer universities a great deal of skill and development that is highly beneficial to higher education.

“IB students are more likely than their peers to complete their undergraduate degrees and pursue graduate work; and they are more likely to be engaged in various aspects of university life.” – IBO.org.

These students have such a success rate due to the independent thinking and community concern and involvement they picked up in their early years. Since IB programs encourage a look at the bigger picture and drive students to become engaged in their communities, these students are well-equipped for the academics and discipline needed to succeed during university studies.

Some of the greatest skills gained by IB students, according to IBO.org, include:

  • Independent research and thinking
  • Community involvement
  • Multicultural understanding and concern
  • Strong desire to engage and make a difference around them

A Lifetime of Learning

The scope of IB learning goes well beyond the primary and secondary years. Perhaps the greatest benefit of these programs is that they fully equip students for success throughout their lives. By opening eyes to other cultures, expanding communication, and encouraging independent thinking, IB learning is centered around instilling a greater sense of purpose and responsibility globally within our children.  

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Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030