
Our Spanish Nursery teacher guides toddlers in language learning.

Raising a Bilingual Toddler: FAQs and Expert Tips for Success

Can young children handle exposure to two languages? Absolutely! Research shows that bilingual infants – as young as 20 months – are capable of processing two languages efficiently. Bilingual acquisition is a natural and rewarding journey for our toddlers that not only enriches communication but also brings unique cognitive and developmental advantages. Below, we have addressed common concerns parents have about raising bilingual toddlers, backed by research and expert insights.

Commonly Asked Questions

1. Is it too early to start teaching my 2-year-old a second language?

No, starting early is highly advantageous. Early language acquisition is strongly supported by the way children’s brains develop. Toddlers naturally absorb languages without consciously realizing it. A study shows that even babies as young as 4 months can differentiate between language inputs, emphasizing the potential in cognitive development from dual language exposure. 

According to the U.S. Department of Education, children who begin learning second languages before the age of six will have an easier time:

For more insights, watch the last webinar by Kathleen Visconti, our Head of School, on the benefits of bilingualism. You can download the recording of the session here.

2. Will learning two languages confuse my child?

No. Research for decades has debunked this common misconception. In fact, children who have regular and rich exposure to both languages achieve the same milestones in language development at roughly the same pace as monolingual children. Additionally, evidence proves that bilingualism enhances children’s cognitive abilities, such as understanding others’ perspectives and improving problem-solving skills


Two French Track toddlers actively engage in bilingual learning.

Early exposure to another language ignites children’s learning.

3. How do I balance exposure to two languages?

The “One Parent, One Language” (OPOL) strategy offers a great way to ensure balanced exposure, where each parent consistently speaks only one language to the child. While popular, OPOL can be demanding to maintain. 

Alternatively, to ensure later bilingualism, many experts recommend providing more early input in a minority language and promoting children’s interaction with peers who speak the same language. In this light, a high-quality nursery school program is greatly beneficial, forming a supportive language-immersed environment. 

This is what Tessa International School’s Immersion Model is about. In our nursery program, toddlers start learning French, Spanish, or Mandarin with 80% of the communication and learning activities in the target language. The 80:20 immersion stage builds a strong foundation for bilingual fluency. 

4. What if I don’t speak the second language fluently?

That’s okay! There are still numerous ways to foster second language development. Books, songs, and other resources can be utilized to create an environment that encourages language exploration and learning. 

Don’t know where to start? We curate an array of language-promoting resources for you. For example, you can find French resources recommended by teachers from Tessa French track, accredited by the French Ministry of Education, on our school website. Learning another language with your child will be a unique parenting experience and strengthen your role in their educational journey. 

5. What are the long-term benefits of bilingualism for young children?

The advantages of mastering another language are crystal clear: around 60% of the world population knows more than one language as of 2018. Therefore, bilingualism broadens communication skills, fosters cultural awareness, and opens doors to academic and professional success. 

More importantly than a higher annual salary bracket, there are fascinating and meaningful findings that bilingualism appears to delay the onset of degenerative cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The cognitive stimulation for managing two languages activates multiple aspects of brain activity and compensates for cognitive decline, promoting our children a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life

6. What should I do if my child mixes languages?

Language mixing, or code-switching, is a natural phenomenon among non-monolingual learners. It signifies active usage of both languages and bilingual thinking rather than confusion. 

Some researchers suggest that code-switching reflects an intellectual advantage by demonstrating the comprehension of different cultures as well as an understanding of the fundamental structures and functions of language systems. Therefore, the key to supporting your child through language mixing is to encourage appropriate expression and celebrate their bilingual development.. With the right support, your child will learn to separate languages sooner than you can imagine. 

7. How can I make learning two languages fun for my toddler?

Toddlers thrive on playful interactions. There are numerous fun and engaging opportunities for language building through play, music, and books. You can learn more about play-based learning activities practical at home here

A parent feels proud for her twin boys' Mandarin Chinese development through Tessa Nursery Program.

At Tessa International School, we provide a bilingual education based on happiness.

8. How much exposure does my child need to become fluent?

There is no exact formula for fluency. Factors like the quality of exposure, age, and family background all play a role in children’s language development. 

“Finally, there is no good measure of ‘enough exposure.’ “

Dr. François Grosjean, a Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Language and Speech Processing Laboratory at the University of Neuchâtel.

Like any other skill, language learning takes practice and time. Evidence above shows that children who experience two languages from birth consistently have the potential to develop into native speakers of both languages. 

At Tessa International School, our nursery, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary programs provide children with everyday opportunities to practice both languages, fostering natural and lasting fluency.

9. Will my child eventually prefer one language over the other?

The notion of perfectly balanced bilingualism is ideological. In other words, bilingualism is not static, existing on a continuum in which one’s proficiency is constantly changing over time. Bilinguals often have a dominant and a minority language based on complex strands of social, cultural, and educational influences, so it is understandable for people to display language dominance

However, Tessa’s Immersion Progression Model is thoughtfully designed to help your child maintain a balance instead of losing these valuable language assets. 

  • 80:20 Immersion Stage: At Tessa, from Nursery through Kindergarten, the majority of instruction (80%) is conducted in the target language to ensure sufficient exposure of the minority language, allowing students to build strong, life-long foundations in the language.
  • 50:50 Dual Language Stage: Starting in Grade 1, students will receive instruction and absorb knowledge in English and the targeted language equally in order to gain proficiency in both. 

You can learn more about the Model here

10. Are there specific programs or schools that support bilingualism for toddlers?

Yes! At Tessa International School, we offer world-class bilingual education for ages 2-10. Differing from other schooling programs, our nursery program provides a special introduction to initiate your child to a second language, develops their creativity through various play-based activities, and prepares them to become lifelong learners.

  • A Bilingual Program: When it comes to bilingualism, the earlier the better. Daily exposure to dual languages builds children’s confidence and communication skills, preparing them to become bilingual, adaptable, and active citizens.
  • A World-Class Education: Guided by the International Baccalaureate, our nursery program provides a “roadmap” for toddlers to travel, with options for detours when their curiosity is peaked or the need for student-initiated action occurs. 
  • A Play-Based Curriculum: Balancing structured activities and free play, we encourage children to learn while having fun, inquire and make discoveries for themselves, aligned with one of the three educational pillars of our school mission – Happiness. 

You can download our Nursery Curriculum here


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Two happy French track Kindergarteners at Tessa International School

Why Kindergarten is Important

Does a good Kindergarten experience matter? The answer is yes. A 2010 study conducted by Harvard University economist John Friedman found that a strong Kindergarten education significantly impacts an individual’s academic success and overall life achievements. Typically, children begin Kindergarten between the ages of 4 and 6. Regardless of whether they have prior preschool experience or not, this crucial transitional year sets the foundation for learning and development, establishing skills and habits necessary for early school success, academic achievement, and overall development. 

Three French Track Kindergarteners at Tessa International School are developing their bilingual skills with the teacher.

A year in kindergarten can nurture well-rounded individuals ready for lifelong learning.

Benefits of Kindergarten

Kindergarten offers a range of age-appropriate and engaging experiences often unavailable at home or in daycare centers, exposing students to developmentally beneficial opportunities. 

Social and Emotional Learning

Kindergarten acts as a bridge between the secure home environment and the outside world. It encourages young learners to interact with peers and teachers while practicing essential social and emotional intelligence skills. These foundational skills continue to be critical as children grow and navigate later stages of life positively and confidently.

Language Learning and Communication Skills

Kindergarten immerses children to a more language-rich environment that enhances their vocabulary and conversation abilities. Children expand their language skills naturally through regular verbal interactions, learning new songs, and everyday story time. 

At Tessa International School, all students from PK2 to Grade 5 thrive in a bilingual environment, learning English alongside their target language (Spanish, French, or Mandarin). This bilingual approach provides additional resources and opportunities for Tessa Kindergarteners’ language development. You can learn more about the benefits of early bilingual education here.  

Physical Development and Motor Skills

Numerous physical educational activities are involved in a high-quality Kindergarten experience to support a child’s general physical growth. Structured and unstructured play, along with different kinds of sports, help children improve their balance, coordination, and general fitness. Additionally, creative projects like painting, drawing, and crafting also help kids develop their fine motor skills, essential for complex tasks such as writing and detailed drawing.

Academic Performance

Longitudinal data show that children in full-day Kindergarten demonstrate greater gains in reading and Math achievement. These students are better prepared to excel academically, gaining an advantage over peers with less exposure to structured learning environments.  

Learning Independence

Kindergarten provides an excellent opportunity for children to learn responsibility and self-care. School routines, such as organizing personal belongings and completing teacher-devised tasks, help students build independence. At Tessa International School, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) nurtures this individual agency even further, empowering students to become active and self-directed learners from an early age.

Kindergarten at Tessa International School

Tessa International School offers a comprehensive educational journey from PK2 to Grade 5. Our Kindergarten program represents a significant shift in a child’s educational experience, emphasizing the three pillars of our School Mission: Bilingualism, Excellence, and Happiness.

Tessa’s KG program balances the more structured environment of Primary School with the play-based learning of Preschool. Through a curriculum integrating world-renowned educational practices, Kindergarteners build foundational literacy and numeracy skills while fostering individual development in a collaborative and multicultural environment.

  • Bilingual Program: With 80% immersion in the target language, students are not merely taught Spanish, French, or Mandarin—they also learn in these languages, integrating biliteracy into their daily interactions and studies. 
  • Social & Emotional Development: Ensuring the well-being and happiness of our students is at the heart of Tessa education. We provide robust psychological, physical, and interpersonal support for students to cultivate a lifelong passion of learning. Our personalized engaging learning approach also fosters optimism and compassion, shaping kindergarteners into caring and engaged global citizens. 
  • World-Class Education: Rooted in the inquiry-based IB framework, our KG program not only teaches knowledge but also cultivates critical hard and soft skills. Incorporating the international and local curricula, it lays a strong foundation for academic success.
  • Academic Challenge: Our program is thoughtfully structured for students to reach their full potential. Children are constantly and positively challenged in creative and critical thinking, inquiry, problem-solving, getting used to and enjoying striving for their best.
A Tessa kindergartener at his graduation ceremony with the proud teacher

At Tessa KG program, our mission is to foster bilingualism, excellence, and happiness in children.



Q: What will my child do in Kindergarten? 

A: What kids learn in Kindergarten differs by school, but key subjects typically include basic concepts of reading, writing, Math, science, arts, and social studies. Extracurricular activities also play an important role in providing a well-rounded learning experience. You can discover Tessa International School’s Kindergarten Curriculum here

Q: What makes a good Kindergarten?  

A: A high-quality Kindergarten experience sets the tone for lifelong learning. It will enable your child to learn and practice the essential skills that they will need to be active learners even beyond the classroom over the time. At the core of a good KG program is a safe and nurturing environment, promoting the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of young children. Key components may include inclusivity, qualified teachers, supportive parents, and a mix of structured and spontaneous learning opportunities. At Tessa, we emphasize these components to create an enriching experience for every child. 

Q: What differs Tessa’s KG Program from other schools? 

A: Tessa International School’s Kindergarten program stands out due to its bilingual immersion, where students learn in Spanish, French, or Mandarin, rather than merely learning the language. It intentionally blends the structured approach of Elementary School with the play-based learning of Preschool, ensuring a balanced development of both academic and social-emotional skills and preparing children for next education levels. Rooted in the IB PYP framework and enriched by practices from rigorous international and local curricula, Tessa’s program fosters a global perspective in students. The emphasis on independent inquiry and multiculturalism ensures students are prepared for future academic and life challenges. You can learn more about our KG program here


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A student learns additions and subtractions with counting cubes.

Fostering Conceptual Understanding in Tessa International School’s Math Curriculum

We are living in an era of extraordinarily rapid change, where technological advances and global events unfold at an exponential pace every day. Amidst these transformations, we see incredible opportunities for growth and progress in our teaching-and-learning approach, aligned with our mission to prepare students as future leaders who are always ready to move forward.

This is where conceptual understanding comes in. Instead of relying on rote memorization, conceptual understanding engages our students in meaningful Math learning experiences built around consistent concepts, helping them build solid knowledge with deeper comprehension.

Students at Tessa International School actively learn with encouragement from our Math Teacher.

Conceptual understanding helps students learn more flexibly and retain knowledge better.

What Conceptual Understanding Is

Conceptual understanding refers to the process of organizing and connecting seemingly isolated facts in a meaningful way throughout the learning process. This ability to arrange, structure, and integrate knowledge builds cognitive competence, facilitating appropriate retrieval and application across various contexts and disciplines.

In the field of Math, conceptual understanding involves comprehending mathematical concepts, operations, and relationships. When students grasp a math concept, they perceive their knowledge as part of a larger, connected whole, rather than as isolated facts or single approaches. Consequently, conceptual understanding often leads to students finding that there is less to learn, as they can identify underlying similarities in superficially different situations. 

Examples of Conceptual Understanding in Math

According to Adding It Up: Helping Students Learn Math (National Academies Press, 2001), in addition to fluently verbalizing relationships among concepts, another significant indicator of conceptual understanding is the ability to represent Math situations differently and recognizing how they can be useful for different purposes. 

Take adding and subtracting fractions as an example. Students demonstrate conceptual understanding when they are able to use real-life examples, visual models (such as number bars), and the common denominator method to arrive at the same answer. Using different representations shows how students progress from understanding part-to-whole concepts to applying algorithmic steps, which also can support them to draw connections with integration in calculus at higher levels in the future. 

A student learns additions and subtractions with counting cubes.

The degree of conceptual understanding is related to the richness and extent of the connections students have made.

Math Education at Tessa

At Tessa International School, we believe Math is more than just memorizing formulas. We ensure our students truly understand the “why” behind every concept and how it applies to their interactions with the world through an integrated curriculum of IB PYP Math and Singapore Math. 


Concept-driven learning is at the heart of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), and Math, rather than being seen as a series of equations and theorems to be memorized, is viewed as a way of thinking that helps learners make sense of the world.

In this philosophy, the development of conceptual understanding can start much earlier than we might imagine, as IB PYP emphasizes the importance of the realistic, relevant conditions in which students live. Students acquire knowledge and skills by abstracting from their real-life experiences into symbolic notations and validating their understanding through problem-solving, where conceptual understanding shines.

Singapore Math

To fulfill the above idea that Math is a way of thinking, we implement the Singapore Math approach from Preschool to Primary School at Tessa, which is known for its intentional sequencing of concepts. This approach purposefully and efficiently organizes the Math terrain for students, breaking down complex concepts into simpler parts to build a strong foundation for advanced study. 

One of the key features of Singapore Math methodology is the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) progression, based on the work of American psychologist Jerome Bruner. The three-step learning method introduces Math concepts in a tangible way and progresses through increasing levels of abstraction. As the name suggests, students gradually gain a deeper understanding of a concept at hand through three modes of representations:

  • Physical objects (Concrete), 
  • Visual diagrams (Pictorial), 
  • Math symbols and numbers (Abstract).

A core principle of this method is that learning is not linear but should be revisited and built upon, with a strong sense of connectivity and increasing complexity. While the Singapore Math approach refers to this as a strategy of mental Math, the CPA method indicates the reasoning, arranging, and communicating of understanding at a conceptual level. 


There are multiple reasons why we love Math – we admire its intrinsic logic and beauty, and we value the passions and curiosity it inspires. More importantly, learning Math not only helps our students become more academically successful problem solvers, but its insistence on conceptual depth also develops a sense of resourcefulness and confidence, preparing them to excel in more complicated adventures, both within and beyond the classroom. 


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Why Early Bilingual Education Boosts Brain Function and Development

Why Early Bilingual Education Boosts Brain Function and Development

There has been an immense amount of discussion and research done on bilingualism in recent years. As scholars and educators dive deeper into the effects of studying multiple languages, more and more evidence is found to support international language learning.

Over the past two decades, researchers have focused specifically on the cognitive benefits gained by children who are introduced to bilingualism at an early age. Specifically, they have measured the ways in which children learn and react to various aspects of their education and found astounding results for multilingual children.

According to, these results show benefits so great, they will be utilized and carried throughout your child’s entire life. It is a lifetime of learning in a way that is unparalleled to any other learning approach available.

Bilingual Education Benefits

While the benefits of bilingual education are exponential, there are several benefits that are so great, they should be considered priority in terms of learning. Among these benefits are invaluable skill mastery of things like problem solving, concentration and focus on any given task, and the ability to think critically and choose words with purpose and meaning.

“Researchers found that young adults proficient in two languages performed better on attention tests and had better concentration than those who spoke only one language,” according to

Problem Solving Skills

For starters, children who are introduced to a second language, are essentially challenging their brains to sort out multiple information and channel appropriate times to use each piece. By doing this, it is similar to solving riddles or puzzles – it forces the brain to consider information as a whole (call it “big picture thinking”) and sort out conflicting data. In terms of language learning, the child must sort out each language and decipher which language is appropriate to use at different times.

“Bilingual people often perform better on tasks that require conflict management… (because they possess) the ability to ignore competing perceptual information and focus on the relevant aspects,” explains the US National Library of Medicine.

Mastering Focus

Another benefit of bilingual education is the inadvertent mastery of focus and concentration. Since bilingual children must constantly think before speaking in order to ensure they choose the correct language to adequately communicate, they are naturally training their minds to reach mastery levels of focus and control.

“Because both of a bilingual person’s language systems are always active and competing, that person uses these control mechanisms every time she or he speaks or listens. This constant practice strengthens the control mechanisms and changes the associated brain regions,” the National Library of Medicine explains.

Critical Thinking

This level of concentration and focus that children with bilingual education will master, is what leads to an impressive critical thinking development. Essentially, by training their minds to pause before speaking and focus on what they wish to say, bilingual students learn the basis for a lifetime of critical thinking skills.

“Bilingual children as young as age 3 have demonstrated a head start on tests of perspective-taking and theory of mind – both of which are fundamental social and emotional skills,” reports

Overall, children who participate in bilingual education programs are proving to be more adept at communication in general, as well as having a greater cognitive ability and focus than their monolingual counterparts. Research continues to pour in on the benefits of bilingualism in early childhood education, but the results already reported have shown exponential plusses to international language learning.


Learn more about a bilingual education at Tessa International School here.

The Effects of Early Educational Bilingualism on Cognitive Development

The Effects of Early Educational Bilingualism on Cognitive Development

When it comes to the topic of bilingualism in early childhood education, many parents often find themselves questioning when – and if – to introduce a second language to their children. The question being, whether or not the additional language studies would serve to benefit or inhibit their child’s cognitive developmental process. For some, the subject may be less of a choice and more of a necessity or way of life (think homes with bilingual family members already), but for many, the decision can bring many questions as far as how bilingualism will affect the cognitive development of their little one.

With decades of research devoted to studying these effects, scholars and researchers have been focused on the correlation between multiple language learning and developmental processes for quite some time now. In fact, many of these studies may seem a bit contradictory to others, making the outcomes somewhat confusing and raising even more questions for concerned parents. The truth is, however, as with all studies, new findings are possible every day and are revised to reflect the most recent and relevant information based on the latest comprehensive research. In other words, the more it’s studied, the clearer the picture becomes. So, what does this mean in terms of the effects of bilingualism on cognitive development?

Bilingualism and Cognitive Development

The number one concern for most parents considering a bilingual educational tract for their child is whether or not introducing a second language at a young age will cause confusion during a critical language learning time. Since understanding communication skills is critical to the successful development of virtually all other cognitive learning processes throughout their lives, it’s easy to grasp the basis for parental concerns for something that could potentially inhibit language mastery. The question becomes then, are these concerns for cognitive delays warranted, or are they part of some outdated research findings?

In order to answer that question, we must first take a look at the full picture. That is, we need to understand that there have been multiple studies done on the topic over the years, which inevitably leads to different findings. The key is to examine the most recent and comprehensive studies available in order to ensure you’re not looking at older information that has since been rendered essentially irrelevant. It’s also important to consider all contributing factors involved with the success rates of bilingual children such as parental involvement and cultural influences on the overall cognitive development process.  

Previous Studies and Findings

Many of the earliest studies are what are behind the apprehension of today’s parents who are considering bilingualism for their children. Studies from decades past had showed a potentially slower learning rate for children who were learning two languages simultaneously – a rate which they attributed to the “confusion” of studying dual communication processes. It was believed that children were showing signs of inhibited learning because they were using both languages simultaneously – or “mixing up” the language of choice.

What these previous studies failed to do, however, was take into consideration the familial and socio-economic factors that helped determine a child’s overall understanding of communication. They also didn’t fully grasp the degree of focus and ability these children were exhibiting by simultaneously mastering the concepts of not just communication, but compartmentalization and empathy as well. Essentially, in the earliest studies, what was once viewed as confusion has later become better understood as a heightened sense of cognitive development and overall communication mastery by young children.

Recent Studies and Findings

In contradiction to earlier research, the latest studies today have shown immense cognitive development benefits in bilingual children. Not only has the theory of confusion been discredited, but researchers have found that children who are introduced to a second (or third) language during early childhood educational stages have a much higher level of overall learning comprehension as well as a more developed sense of values and problem-solving abilities than their monolingual counterparts.

“Research has shown that, contrary to what many people once believed, bilingualism does not trigger confusion, has no inherent negative impact on children’s development and even has some socio-cognitive advantages,” explains the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (EECD). These advantages come in the form of a more developed level of intellectual focus, higher overall test scores, greater problem-solving skills, a heightened understanding of non-verbal context, and more flexible cognitive abilities in general. In other words, recent studies have shown that bilingualism, when introduced in early childhood, not only has no negative associations with cognitive development, but also comes with a large number of invaluable benefits instead.

Overall Benefits to Developmental Process

Since the brain function of a child learning dual languages requires that child to not only communicate, but correctly choose which language to communicate with, it forces bilingual children to fine-tune their ability to focus and concentrate. It also requires a sense of compartmentalization – a skill which will be crucial in later development. Essentially, young children who study multiple languages are getting a more well-rounded cognitive development than single language children because they are inherently learning multiple lessons at once.

“…Bilingual children show some advantages in understanding the beliefs of others and the communication needs of their conversational partners, picking out the important variables to solve a problem and entertaining two possible interpretations of the same stimulus at once,” writes the EECD.

It is important to remember, however, that these findings are largely dependent upon the outside factors involved in your child’s bilingual learning process. In order for your child to be truly bilingual (and not just a second language learner), requires a great deal of immersion studying and being surrounded by both languages – not just in the classroom. In order for young children to gain the greatest benefits from studying multiple languages, their learning process must be continued at home and on a regular basis, as well as during in-class studies.

Will Technology Ruin Your Child's Development?

Will Technology Ruin Your Child’s Development?

Whether it’s screen time or surfing the web, the majority of parents today have questioned the effects of technology on their children. Many have been left feeling rather confused with the immense amount of data on both sides of the debate. Is the internet going to melt the brains of our kiddos by destroying their ability to focus? Or is it going to open up endless possibilities and prepare them for an ultra-successful future?

Since technology led by the internet age is still, in essence, in its own childhood phase, we have limited resources for determining the full effect on developing minds. We don’t have the ability to examine historical patterns nor do we know how fast things will continue to expand. Nevertheless, there is plenty of data out there to help parents make a fully-educated decision.

The fact is, technology is empirically unavoidable today. There are technological devices and influences in virtually every aspect of our lives, and our children are no exception. Technology influences extend much further than video games and cell phones anymore. In fact, many classrooms are well-equipped with laptops, tablets, whiteboards and other devices to supplement their learning experience.

So how do we determine if these devices are helping – or hurting – the development of our children? According to the US National Library of Medicine’s National Institution of Health (NIH), technology has offered us a wide array of both productive and counter-productive outcomes in terms of the effects on developing minds.

In layman’s terms? Technology is both good and bad for our kids and basically, it’s up to us to weed them out. Before you get discouraged, there are methods that will help you sift through the digital drudge, as well as research to back up which methods are helpful and which ones are – well – not so much.

Technology Brain Food

As the NIH explains, if you think of technology’s effects on your child’s development in terms of “nutrition”, it can help you to gain a better perspective on how to sort it out. We know our children need well-balanced daily meals in order to grow physically healthy and strong, right? You wouldn’t feed your kiddos junk food and sweets every day and expect them to be fit as a fiddle. By the same token, technology is full of “nutritious” and “junk food” influences that will affect your child’s cognitive development.

The Junk Food

“Technology conditions the brain to pay attention to information very differently than reading,” says Dr. Jim Taylor, psychologist and professor at the University of San Francisco. According to his article in Psychology Today, the key to weeding out the “junk food” technology lies in monitoring methods that do not require a deep focus. What does this mean? In comparison with reading, surfing the internet for research is basically giving developing minds too much information too fast. In other words, it keeps kids from focusing on one specific concept. Doing so causes an undeveloped sense of understanding children could otherwise grasp from concentrating on a book.

Anything requiring little to no thought to complete (internet surfing, non-educational video games and television programs, etc.) will have a negative impact on the way brain connections are made. In fact, according to Taylor, influences such as the internet will adversely affect the way our children learn. These mediums bypass the need to focus and leave children “only able to focus fleetingly.”

The Vitamins and Minerals

On the flip side, there are many ways in which technology mediums have a profoundly positive impact on developing minds. These ways, which we’ll call the “vitamins and minerals” of technology, have the ability to improve overall development.

Perhaps the most important aspect to consider is to keep in mind that their futures will be filled with technology. This generation is one that will be engulfed in technology in pretty much every aspect of life, so including it from the beginning is giving them the tools they’ll need for a future filled with technological advancements. Think of digital learning tools as preparing your kids for their digital-filled futures.

According to the NIH, content is the most important thing to consider when filtering the vitamins from the junk food. Content, more than the type of device, is the key to finding what your children will benefit from the most. Ensuring whatever outlet they use (tablets, laptops, mobile phones, and yes, even video games), is used wisely, is the key to keeping their cognitive development healthy. Using nourishing content such as educational games, read-along programs, and digital media like interactive whiteboards to promote a learning experience is the difference between a nutritional digital experience and a junk food one.

Can Bullying Affect a Child's Development?

Can Bullying Affect a Child’s Development?

By: Jamie Kreps

Can Bullying Affect a Child's Development?

It probably comes as no surprise, but bullying has been linked to an enormous amount of developmental issues in children – both in those who have been bullied and those who have bullied others. In fact, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), bullying has a lifelong impact on the social and emotional development of children that puts them at risk for everything from severe mental health issues to stunted professional growth later in life.

According to the NICHD, children who are involved in bullying experiences (on either side of the situation) are at an increased risk of developing issues such as:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Low self-esteem and personal drive
  • Trouble focusing and falling grades
  • Behavioral problems
  • Social and relationship issues
  • Substance abuse later in life
  • Self-harming behaviors

Bullying can also affect other children who witness the acts – even if they aren’t directly involved – by leaving them feeling insecure in their environments and fearing they could be next. The long-term effects of bullying go well beyond the initial instances and the people at the center of it and can often stay with a person for the remainder of their life. Since bullying can essentially destroy a child’s self-esteem, it can manifest itself in ways that will jeopardize future opportunities for years to come.

How It Manifests

As explained by, “Nearly one in five students in an average classroom is experiencing bullying in some way,” but the effects are not limited to those involved directly. While it may seem obvious that those who are bullied have a higher risk of developing developmental issues, what’s less obvious is that bullying also affects the on-lookers.

Bullying brings negative affects to everyone who witnesses the act by way of creating what feels like an unsafe environment. It can make children feel as though they are helpless, planting a deep seed of insecurity and disdain for their classroom (and classmates) as a whole. Bullying also makes kids feel as though they can’t be protected by those they trust (teachers, aides, parents, etc.) which can lead to withdrawal and a failure to thrive.

Often, it is this withdrawal that is the first and most obvious sign that bullying is taking place, apart from actually seeing the incident in person. Over time, if bullying continues, those who witness it will likely begin to show other signs such as attention issues, fear of participating in normal activities, and acting out or other behavioral problems such as vandalism or destroying toys or objects.

The Long-Term Effects of Bullying

The effects of bullying are so debilitating, in fact, that researchers have linked it to a lower rate of success and quality of life decades later. According to Psychology Today, the low self-esteem and attention issues of youths who had been bullied translated to lower incomes and a greater risk for becoming involved in criminal acts as adults.

Research showed that individuals who had been “involved in bullying had poorer educational attainment and less income than adults who had not been involved in bullying,” the Psychology Today report explained. Not only do children involved in bullying suffer from mental and behavioral issues throughout childhood, but the research shows it deeply affects their cognitive and emotional development in ways that long outlast the actual incident.

How to Stop It

Thankfully, bullying prevention has been put in the spotlight in recent years and has gained momentum in educational facilities across the country. Many schools and childcare providers now implement some variation of an anti-bullying policy, which has had a major impact on developing minds everywhere.

Most anti-bullying policies include tips such as keeping a watchful eye, utilizing activities that encourage kids to speak up about their experiences, and keeping an open line of communication with youngsters to ensure they are comfortable with sharing any unwanted behaviors by others.

If you’re in need of some tips on implementing an anti-bullying policy in your facility, check out the US Department of Health and Human Services website, for more information.

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Discover why our bilingual curriculum is recognized as one of the best. Learn how we combine academic excellence with engaging, interactive experiences that foster global awareness.

Join us at Tessa International School

Discover why our bilingual curriculum is recognized as one of the best. Learn how we combine academic excellence with engaging, interactive experiences that foster global awareness.

Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030