A student learns additions and subtractions with counting cubes.

Fostering Conceptual Understanding in Tessa International School’s Math Curriculum

We are living in an era of extraordinarily rapid change, where technological advances and global events unfold at an exponential pace every day. Amidst these transformations, we see incredible opportunities for growth and progress in our teaching-and-learning approach, aligned with our mission to prepare students as future leaders who are always ready to move forward.

This is where conceptual understanding comes in. Instead of relying on rote memorization, conceptual understanding engages our students in meaningful Math learning experiences built around consistent concepts, helping them build a solid knowledge with deeper comprehension. 

Students at Tessa International School actively learn with encouragement from our Math Teacher.

Conceptual understanding allows students to learn knowledge more flexibly and better retain what they have learned.

What Conceptual Understanding Is

Conceptual understanding refers to organizing and connecting seemingly isolated facts in a meaningful way throughout the learning process. This capability of arranging, structuring, and integrating knowledge equips inquirers with cognitive competence, facilitating appropriate retrieval and application across various contexts and disciplines.

In the field of Math, conceptual understanding involves comprehending mathematical concepts, operations, and relationships. When students grasp a math concept, they perceive their knowledge as part of a larger, connected whole, rather than as isolated facts or single approaches. Consequently, conceptual understanding often leads to students finding that there is less to learn, as they can identify underlying similarities in superficially different situations. 

Examples of Conceptual Understanding in Math

According to Adding It Up: Helping Students Learn Math (National Academies Press, 2001), in addition to fluently verbalizing relationships among concepts, another significant indicator of conceptual understanding is the ability to represent Math situations differently and recognizing how they can be useful for different purposes. 

Take adding and subtracting fractions as an example. Students demonstrate conceptual understanding when they are able to use real-life examples, visual models (such as number bars), and the common denominator method to arrive at the same answer. Operating different representations exemplifies how students move from understanding the Part to Whole concept to pure algorithmic steps, which also can support them to draw connections with integration in calculus at higher levels in the future. 

A student learns additions and subtractions with counting cubes.

The degree of conceptual understanding is related to the richness and extent of the connections students have made.

Math Education at Tessa

At Tessa International School, we believe Math is more than just memorizing formulas. We ensure our students to truly understand the “why” behind every concept and how it applies to their interactions with the world through an integrated curriculum of IB PYP Math and Singapore Math. 


Concept-driven learning is at the heart of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), and Math, rather than being seen as a series of equations and theorems to be memorized, is viewed as a way of thinking that helps learners make sense of the world.

In this philosophy, the development of conceptual understanding can start much earlier than we might imagine, as IB PYP emphasizes the importance of the realistic, relevant conditions in which students live. Students acquire knowledge and skills by abstracting from their real-life experiences into symbolic notations and validating their understanding through problem-solving, where conceptual understanding shines.

Singapore Math

To fulfill the above idea that Math is a way of thinking, we implement the Singapore Math approach from the Preschool to Primary School at Tessa, which is known for its intentional sequencing of concepts. This approach purposefully and efficiently organizes the Math terrain for students, breaking down complex concepts into simpler components to build a strong foundation of knowledge for higher level studying. 

One of the key features of Singapore Math methodology is the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) progression, based on the work of American psychologist Jerome Bruner. The three-step learning method introduces Math concepts in a tangible way and progresses through increasing levels of abstraction. As the name suggests, students gradually gain a deeper understanding of a concept at hand through three modes of representations:

  • Physical objects (Concrete), 
  • Visual diagrams (Pictorial), 
  • Math symbols and numbers (Abstract).

A core principle of this method is that learning is not linear but should be revisited and built upon, with a strong sense of connectivity and increasing complexity. While the Singapore Math approach refers to this as a strategy of mental Math, the CPA method indicates the reasoning, arranging, and communicating of understanding at a conceptual level. 


There are multiple reasons why we love Math – we admire its intrinsic logic and beauty, and we value the passions and curiosity it inspires. More importantly, learning Math not only helps our students become more academically successful problem solvers, but its insistence on conceptual depth also develops a sense of resourcefulness and confidence, preparing them to excel in more complicated adventures, both within and beyond the classroom. 


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An international baccalaureate primary years program student in a science class

Benefits of the IB Primary Years Program in Early Education

Choosing the right early education program for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. At Tessa International School in Hoboken, we understand the significance of this decision, which is why we offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. 

This comprehensive and dynamic educational framework is designed to nurture young learners and set the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Here, we explore the benefits of the IB PYP and what makes our implementation at Tessa International School uniquely impactful.

Introducing the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program

What is the Primary Years Program in IB? The IB PYP is a curriculum framework that goes beyond traditional subject-based learning. It encourages students to explore topics through various lenses, fostering a transdisciplinary approach that draws on all subjects. This method allows students to seek patterns and make real-world connections, creating a richer and more meaningful learning experience.

An international baccalaureate primary years program student learning numbers

The International Baccalaureate Primary School Program promotes a rich learning experience.

Benefits of the IB Primary Years Program

What are the benefits of IB PYP? They are manifold! The benefits of the IB PYP include deeper thinking, enhanced communication skills, and responsibility in young learners. Evie’s parents highlight the benefits they’ve seen:

“Our family chose Tessa International School for many reasons. At the top of our list were the world cultures focus and dual language opportunities that the school provides for our daughter in her daily life. At Tessa, our daughter is able to grow and learn in an environment that is accepting and open. Learning two languages allows her to engage in a way that shows her there is more to the world than her local surroundings.

We also love that the Tessa team takes the time to understand the children and adapt learning activities to fit their learning profiles. We couldn’t be happier with the program and are excited to grow with Tessa.” 

Fostering Deeper Thinking

One of the primary benefits of international baccalaureate education is its ability to help students think deeper. Students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world by seeing connections between seemingly separate subjects. This interconnected approach ensures that learning is broad and deep, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Enhancing Communication Skills

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program framework also helps students become better communicators.  Children learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and effectively as they express their knowledge and ideas across different disciplines. Whether through writing, speaking, or artistic expression, students gain confidence in their ability to communicate, a crucial skill for success in all areas of life.

Developing Responsible Individuals

At Tessa International School, education should impart knowledge and develop responsible individuals. The IB PYP framework encourages students to grapple with complex issues and learn to take action. Through inquiry-based learning and real-life scenarios, students engage with topics that matter, fostering a sense of responsibility and a desire to impact the world positively.

The Unique Approach at Tessa International School

Our emphasis on real-world connections sets the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) at Tessa International School apart. Students actively engage with real-life scenarios, exploring concepts through hands-on experiences. This approach makes learning more engaging while helping students understand the relevance of their education to the world around them.

The ultimate goal of the IB PYP at Tessa International School is to equip students with the skills and knowledge to become lifelong learners. By going beyond subject boundaries, our students learn how to think. This critical thinking ability prepares them for success in an ever-changing world, ensuring they are ready to face future challenges with confidence and creativity.

A pair of international baccalaureate primary years program students doing a sensory activity

The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program at Tessa fosters holistic learning.

Prepare for Success With Tessa International School

At Tessa International School, the IB Primary Years Program provides a unique and enriching educational experience that nurtures young learners and prepares them for a lifetime of success. 

We ensure our students receive a comprehensive education by fostering deeper thinking, enhancing communication skills, and developing responsible individuals. With our unique approach to real-world connections and transdisciplinary learning, we are proud to offer a  program that sets our students on the path to becoming lifelong learners.

Are you ready to enroll your child in one of the leading Hoboken private schools

Contact Tessa International School for more information! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the Primary Years Program in IB

Answer: The IB PYP is a curriculum framework beyond traditional subject-based learning.  It encourages students to explore topics through various lenses, fostering a transdisciplinary approach that draws on all subjects.

Question: What are the benefits of IB PYP? 

Answer: They are manifold! The benefits of the IB PYP include deeper thinking, enhanced communication skills, and responsibility in young learners.

Learning Math

Unlocking Math and Science Potential in Tessa Primary Program

Have you ever wondered how a rocket blasts off to space, or how a tiny cell becomes a whole you? Understanding the world around us is an incredible adventure, and math and science are the tools that unlock its secrets!

At Tessa International School, we don’t just teach math and science, we ignite a passion for discovery! That’s why we have a Math & STEM Specialist on our faculty – a unique advantage you won’t find at most primary schools. Our specialist creates a fun and engaging environment where kids become curious explorers, asking questions, solving problems, and building the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Importance of Math and Science in Primary School Education

The early years of education are critical for children’s ability to handle key concepts and shape their belief in lifelong learning. Math and Science education at the primary level serves several important purposes:

  1. Building Blocks for Future Learning: Early STEM exposure significantly influences later educational outcomes. Incorporating STEM into early learning helps children develop fundamental knowledge that will be built upon in subsequent school years. Research also shows that early STEM instruction leads to better language and literacy outcomes, all of which are essential to children’s current and future potential. 
  2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Math constitutes a fundamental part of human thought and logic, and STEM learning encourages logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. These cognitive abilities are crucial not only for understanding the content of other school subjects but also for enhancing their life chances.
  3. Creativity and Innovation: STEM fields are at the forefront of innovation. By engaging with these subjects early on, children learn to think creatively and approach problems with innovative solutions. Studies indicate that young learners are already capable of using engineering habits of mind in their free-play STEM activities.
Primary STEM Education at Tessa

It’s never too early to dive into STEM learning.

How Tessa’s Math & STEM Specialist Sets Tessa Primary Program Apart

  • In-depth Exploration: Unlike many primary schools, Tessa has a specialist that ensures students not only learn the basics but also explore more advanced topics that stimulate intellectual curiosity. Our school offers a curriculum that dives deep into Math and Science concepts. 
  • Engaging Activities: Learning at Tessa is far from rote memorization. Our specialist employs hands-on activities, experiments, and projects that make Math and Science come alive. This approach helps students see the real-world applications of what they learn, making the subjects more relevant and exciting. 
  • Strong Foundation: By focusing on critical thinking and problem-solving skills, our program prepares students for future academic and professional success. We aim to instill a love for learning that will last a lifetime, encouraging students to pursue STEM fields with confidence. 
Tessa Primary Program

Our dedicated Math & STEM Specialist provides rigorous and engaging instruction for students.


Choosing the right primary school for your child is a crucial decision that can shape their educational journey and future success. At Tessa, our commitment to excellence in Math and Science education sets us apart. With the guidance of our dedicated Math & STEM Specialist, we provide a stimulating and supportive environment where young learners can thrive in a technology-driven world. 


Ready to cultivate your child’s potential in the only international leading private school in Hoboken? 

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A boy is reading a book.

How Bilingual Children Learn to Read

It is a common misconception that bilingual students might lag behind their monolingual peers in reading proficiency. In fact, decades of research have proved that bilingual students may become advanced readers and show advantages over their peers in a single-language learning environment. With encouragement and practice, bilingual children are able to achieve full biliteracy! 

How Bilingualism Puts Readers at An Advantage

A bilingual student is reading.

Bilingual education enables students to develop key components of successful reading.

Metalinguistic Awareness Development

Research has shown that bilingual children possess more elaborate reading strategies than monolingual children, presumably due to higher metalinguistic skills. 

Metalinguistic awareness refers to the ability to reflect upon and manipulate the structure of language. It is a set of skills that are related to multiple linguistic elements, including phonological, morphological, syntactic, and lexical awareness. To some extent, bilingual children can transfer these skills involved in learning one language to another, consequently accelerating their language learning.

Literacy Acquisition

As bilingual children develop their metalinguistic skills and language proficiency, they can gain further advantages in literacy acquisition. Exposure to multiple languages from a young age enables them to better understand the word structure and build a broader vocabulary range. These foundational capabilities could explain the finding that bilinguals tend to spell more complex vocabulary words in later grades.

Students in dual-language immersion programs perform as well as, or better than, their peers in core academic content areas by late elementary school. […] By the end of middle school, students in dual-language programs were performing one grade level higher on reading assessments than their peers who were not enrolled in these programs.”

Researchers from American University, 2016

Cognitive Development

Bilingualism fosters cognitive development, providing students with a robust cognitive reserve. Bilingual individuals typically exhibit stronger working memories and attention spans, contributing to academic and behavioral enhancements. Moreover, their ability to switch between languages cultivates flexible thinking and problem-solving skills. By navigating between different linguistic systems, bilingual students become adept at critically evaluating and resolving complex tasks.

How to Help Bilingual Students Gain Reading Fluency

Our teacher helps students in literacy acquisition.

With sufficient support, students can boost their reading abilities in both languages.

Even though bilingual education can provide students with many unique strengths, without proper instruction, their literacy in one language may become stunted. Here is a list of possible methods that adults can use to promote their students’ reading skills:

  • Recognize differences between the languages that may confuse emergent bilingual students. For example, extra support may be necessary for English-speaking students learning the Chinese writing system. 
  • Select strategically between the simultaneous and sequential dual-language programs for students. For instance, the Immersion Progression Model at Tessa International School facilitates a smooth transition from full immersion to balanced bilingual education, ensuring optimal language development.
  • Assign reading tasks in both languages to reinforce literacy skills across all languages in a student’s repertoire.
  • Encourage students to read aloud to each other, providing opportunities for collaboration and confidence-building.
  • Engage families in students’ bilingual language development by providing take-home library books and other resources to strengthen language skills outside the classroom. 


Fostering positive attitudes toward bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism is essential for creating optimal learning environments. While the journey may differ from traditional monolingual learning, bilingual education offers unique advantages that empower bilingual children to excel in reading and language skills for a lifetime.


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A teacher and her student on Graduation Day

Excellence in Education at Tessa International School

Excellence, by definition, is the unwavering commitment to do anything to the best of our ability. At Tessa International School, it is not an abstract ideal. Excellence is one of the three pillars of our fundamental philosophy that underpins everything we do. 

Cultivating excellence in our students goes beyond academic achievement. It encompasses developing positive character traits, fostering global visions, and instilling a lifelong passion for learning. We are committed to helping students internally embrace the notion of excellence and strive towards it. 

Excellent Educational Practices: Our Global Accreditations

Tessa’s program has been built on the principle of incorporating the world’s best practices in education. Our school holds three premier global accreditations, which highlight the high standards we maintain and our commitment to academic excellence. 

These renowned accreditations ensure a seamless transition for students into similar institutions in the US and around the world, facilitating their global mobility and fostering their continued success.

Excellent Teachers: Our Foundation and Support

Central to our pursuit of excellence is our team of passionate and experienced teachers, who dedicate themselves to the educational experience at Tessa. Our teachers are highly credentialed professionals, mostly holding advanced degrees and specialized training in their subject areas. 

The group photo of teachers

Our teachers create a supportive community that inspires students to reach their full potential.

We provide a child-centered approach tailored to each student’s unique needs and interests. With a low teacher-to-student ratio, we prioritize personalized attention, ensuring that each student receives the support and guidance they need to thrive academically and emotionally. Simultaneously, language immersion, project-based learning, and an international perspective are integral to our curriculum. 

Each member of our team is a native speaker. With their diverse backgrounds, our educators bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom, enriching the learning environment and fostering multicultural exchange. At Tessa, we celebrate our differences. It is through understanding and respect that we cultivate knowledgeable, caring, and excellent individuals who are equipped to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. Our teachers may have different origins, but they all share the same love of language and culture, and the common goal of empowering students in a warm and supportive environment. 


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

– Will Durant, paraphrasing Aristotle.


By all means, we aim to motivate our students to pursue excellence intrinsically. It is not just a destination but a journey we embark on. Through the incorporation of world’s best educational practices and a team of highly credentialed native-speaking teachers, we strive to provide a world-class education that promotes students for excellence in an ever-changing global landscape. 


Are you ready to explore the only international leading private school in Hoboken? 

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Two students happily smiles

Tessa International School: An Education Based on Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human aspiration, demonstrably linked to positive life outcomes. Beyond subjective well-being, research increasingly reveals a causal connection between happiness and cognitive function, academic achievement, and social engagement. Happiness plays a key role in how well students learn and a child’s emotional well-being is the strongest predictor of adult life satisfaction. 

Any great school needs to foster a deep-seated love of learning. At Tessa, happiness is one of the three pillars of our school mission. Ensuring the well-being and happiness of our students is at the heart of everything we do. 

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient or EQ, is the ability to perceive and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This ability is essential for preparing students for real-world interactions and becoming happy and effective global citizens. 

Emotionally intelligent individuals often cultivate fulfilling relationships that contributes to happiness.

Our school employs RULER, the renowned methods of the Yale Center for Social and Emotional Intelligence (YCEI), to guide students towards enhanced emotional awareness and interpersonal skills. RULER is an acronym for the five skills of emotional intelligence: 

  1. Recognizing emotions in oneself and others
  2. Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions
  3. Labeling emotions with a nuanced vocabulary
  4. Expressing emotions in accordance with cultural norms and social context
  5. Regulating emotions with helpful strategies

Research on the impact of RULER shows that emotional intelligence can benefit youth development by modeling people’s behaviors and maintaining positive school climates. Implementing RULER can also improve leader, educator, and student outcomes in schools serving PreK to 12 students. Specific outcomes include: 

  • Development of emotion skills
  • Fewer attention and learning problems
  • Greater social and leadership skills
  • Less anxiety and depression
  • Less stress and burnout
  • Better performance in school

Creating a Positive Learning Environment

 A healthy physical school environment promotes learning by ensuring the safety of students and staff. Additionally, researchers found that school facilities, such as lighting and space, can also affect students’ degree of happiness. 

Located on three floors of the Monroe Center, our facility has been designed to offer our students a modern, bright and warm space. The architectural features are designed to promote healthy learning, enhance students’ focus, and encourage a positive attitude. Through bright classrooms and purpose-built facilities, our community’s well-being is our priority.

A bright and warm classroom at Tessa International School

Classrooms at Tessa are designed for a positive learning experience.

Take a virtual tour of Tessa International School here.

Providing Community Support

Beyond the walls of the classroom, Tessa boasts a vibrant parent organization (PTO), which plays a vital role in Tessa’s community-building efforts. It is the School’s and PTO’s joint mission to build a cohesive, global-minded community and work together to make a difference in every child. Our active and close-knit community provides a strong support system for families, fostering friendships and a sense of belonging. 

Parent Organization organized Back to School Events to raise students' happiness.

Parent involvement can help students make social connections.

A sense of community is vital to help students feel engaged and connected to the learning process. By organizing events such as United Nation Days Celebration and Career Week, parents and teachers can foster social connections with students inside or outside the school. This can be especially important for children to practice their social skills, including learning the rules of conversation and age-appropriate behavior. 


To ensure that our education fosters happiness, we provide concrete support psychologically, physically, and interpersonally for students to thrive in this fast-changing world. We believe that happiness is a fundamental need – a key priority in our educational aims. It is one of the most important assets in fueling children’s life-long success and the achievement of many other goals. 


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A student at TESSA French International School raising his hand in class

From Speech to Script: How Does Oral Language Empower Children’s Writing

As educators at Tessa International School, we witness daily the incredible journey our young students undertake as they navigate learning. A key aspect of this journey, especially in the formative years of education, is the development of oral language and its significant impact on writing skills. But how does oral language support children’s writing?

Understanding the interconnection between spoken language and written expression is crucial for supporting our children’s academic and personal growth. Keep reading to learn more about this fascinating connection and how our curriculum nurtures strong literacy skills that serve our students well into the future.

The Foundation of Literacy

Oral language serves as the foundation of literacy. Before children can read or write, they speak and listen. This initial stage of language acquisition is where they start to understand language structure, expand their vocabulary, and learn to communicate effectively. In our diverse classrooms, children are exposed to a rich tapestry of sounds, words, and sentence structures, which, in turn, enriches their linguistic capabilities.

A student at TESSA French International School writing

Our French international school builds strong literacy skills through oral learning activities.

Bridging Oral and Written Skills: How Does Oral Language Empower Children’s Writing?

The leap from speaking to writing is significant. Writing requires children to process their thoughts, structure them coherently, and present them in a way others can understand. How does oral language empower children’s writing?

The skills developed through oral language activities – storytelling, discussions, and presentations provide children with a robust framework for correctly conceptualizing their ideas and transforming them into compelling writing. As children learn to express themselves verbally, they gain confidence in communicating through the written word.

Empowering Creative Expression

Creativity and self-expression flourish when children feel confident in their language abilities. What are the effects of oral language on written expression? Oral language development helps children explore their thoughts and feelings in boundless, expansive ways. At Tessa, activities like Storybuilders Drama stimulate imagination and expression.

Effective self-expression through oral communication is a highly transferable skill that paves the way for excellent writing skills. When children realize that their spoken or written words have value, they are likely to take risks in their writing, leading to more expressive and meaningful work.

A student at TESSA French International School presenting in front of the class

Our French international school fosters effective expression and communication skills.

Enhancing Academic Performance

The correlation between strong oral language skills and academic achievement is well-documented. Children proficient in oral language tend to have an easier time understanding reading materials, engaging in classroom discussions, and grasping complex concepts.

How does oral language help children? With a solid oral language foundation, students can better organize their thoughts, reason through arguments, and convey their understanding of various subjects through writing. Oral communication skills in several languages also give children a significant academic advantage.

Tessa’s French Immersion School program and its other two bilingual tracks, Mandarin and Spanish, each paired with English instruction, enhance the multicultural and immersive learning environment.

Social and Emotional Development

Oral language is deeply intertwined with social and emotional development. Children learn to empathize with others, understand different perspectives, and navigate social situations through conversations.

These skills are invaluable when it comes to writing, as they enable children to consider their audience, understand the impact of their words, and communicate more effectively.

Our Role as Educators and Parents

At our French international school, we are committed to nurturing our students’ oral language development through various activities and strategies. As our children progress through their educational journey, the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and express themselves confidently in writing will serve them well beyond the classroom walls.

Our collective responsibility as educators and parents is to empower our young learners with the gift of language, unlocking doors to endless possibilities and opportunities. The link between oral language and writing is undeniable and profound.

By fostering an environment that values and encourages the development of oral language skills, we set our children on the path to becoming confident, creative, and capable communicators.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How does oral language help children?

Answer: With a solid oral language foundation, students can better organize their thoughts, reason through arguments, and convey their understanding of various subjects through writing

Question: What are the effects of oral language on written expression?

Answer: Oral language development helps children explore their thoughts and feelings in a boundless, expansive way. At Tessa, activities like Storybuilders Drama stimulate imagination and expression.

Personalized Learning: The Heart of Differentiated Instruction

Education is a dynamic field, and as educators, our goal is to help each student reach their full potential. To achieve this, differentiated instruction is a powerful tool. It’s the process of tailoring lessons to meet each student’s unique interests, needs, and strengths, all while steering them toward the same learning objectives. In this blog post, we’ll explore what differentiated instruction is, why it’s essential, and how it aligns with our educational philosophy at Tessa International School.

Understanding Differentiated Instruction


Differentiated instruction is all about personalization. It’s the art of crafting lessons that cater to the diverse ways students learn and grow. This method empowers students with the freedom to choose how they want to navigate the path to understanding a topic, and it’s a guiding principle of modern education. It’s the cornerstone of the International Baccalaureate, where students are encouraged to be actors of their own learning. 


Why Is Differentiated Instruction Important?


  • Meeting Individual Needs: No two students are alike. Differentiated instruction acknowledges these differences and tailors learning experiences to fit each student’s unique profile. By doing so, it ensures that every student has the opportunity to learn effectively.


  • Personalized Learning: Giving students choice and flexibility in how they learn fosters a sense of ownership over their education. When students are actors of their learning, they are more motivated and engaged, and the lessons become more meaningful to them.


  • Clarity and Goals: Differentiated instruction doesn’t mean chaos or randomness in the classroom. On the contrary, it requires instructional clarity and well-defined learning objectives. When students know the goals they need to reach, they are better equipped to meet them through their chosen pathways.

Differentiated Instruction Strategies


  • Content Differentiation: Teachers can vary the content students study to achieve the same learning objective. Students may have options in subjects, topics, or approaches to grasp the material.


  • Process Differentiation: This approach involves tailoring how students learn. It could mean grouping students based on their readiness levels or presenting concepts through different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic methods.


  • Product Differentiation: Teachers can allow students to choose the type of assignments they create to demonstrate their understanding of a concept. This could include written reports, stories, songs, speeches, or art projects.


  • Environment Differentiation: Classroom environment plays a role in learning as well. By adjusting physical arrangements and routines, teachers can accommodate different learning preferences and needs.

The Benefits of Differentiated Instruction


  • Connecting with Diverse Learning Styles: Not all students respond to the same teaching methods. Differentiated instruction ensures that various learning styles are accommodated, making it more likely for every student to engage with the material.


  • Inclusivity: In some cases, differentiation is essential for students with disabilities, or non native language learners. It provides all students with the opportunity to keep pace with learning objectives. As an International School, this is a scenario we are familiar with, making differentiation an even more essential aspect of our educational philosophy. 


  • Motivating Learning: When students are actors of their own learning, they are more motivated. Differentiated instruction enables them to engage with the material in a way that resonates with their unique interests and learning styles.

Differentiated Learning at Tessa International School


At Tessa International School, individualized learning is not just a concept; it’s a fundamental part of our educational philosophy. 


We take pride in our international community, which brings together students from various cultural backgrounds and language proficiencies. With a substantial number of students not being native speakers of the instruction language, differentiation becomes an essential component in every aspect of the learning process. By tailoring our teaching methods, content, and assessments to accommodate the unique needs of our diverse student body, we ensure that language barriers do not hinder their educational journey. 


One example of how our educators achieve this are workshops, where students are grouped into smaller, focused learning environments. These workshops are designed to encourage teamwork, independent problem-solving, and self-directed learning as students rotate between various hands-on activities, in group, individually, with and without the help of a teacher. This diverse approach ensures that every student gets a well-rounded and personalized educational experience.

Differentiated instruction is a commitment to help each child shine in their unique way, and we’re excited to be a part of their growth and success. Learn more about an education at Tessa International School by visiting our website and scheduling a private tour or call. 


End of Unit Projects in the IB PYP

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) promotes the holistic development of children. In addition to academic skills, the focus is on character building and social, physical and emotional development. Many lessons include problem-solving tasks and projects that encourage students’ creativity. Our students are regularly encouraged to choose creative ways of solving problems, also when presenting what they have learned at the end of a teaching unit. Each End of Unit is concluded by a celebration and/or a project. 


End of Unit Project


Last week, all of our primary students met to work on a project together, to conclude their unit of inquiry. At Tessa International School, we have three dual-language tracks: French, Mandarin and Spanish. Students from the different tracks love to interact with each other, sharing the language but also different concepts they studied independently in their classrooms. 

Their Unit of Inquiry, Who we Are, focused on the central idea that as responsible citizens, we contribute to our community.

They learned about: 

  • What a citizen is.
  • Rights and responsibilities of citizens.
  • Community helpers and their role in the wellbeing of our community.


For this project, they explored the use of community buildings, and the duties of community helpers.

Divided into small groups, they were given a problem: how could they reuse a big pile of cardboard (that they collected in a previous project) and make it into something useful to the community? They came up with the idea to build a city: they needed a hospital, a school, housing, a fire station… 

This project allowed them to put into practice various skills such as problem solving, team collaboration, geometry, civic education, literacy and arts- a true transdisciplinary activity!


The Leadership Idea in PYP

The PYP Unit of Inquiry strongly promotes ownership by empowering students to take action at the end of a teaching unit based on what they have learned. During their projects, PYP students are inspired to think about themselves and their world and to solve problems. 

Learning centers meet students’ individual learning needs

When you step into one of our PK or kindergarten classrooms, you’ll likely see small groups of students working intensely at different tables. Whether they’re arranging letters or pattern with blocks, students are clearly focused on their learning.


They are working at “learning centers”; and due to their wide variety of benefits, it’s one of the most popular learning strategies in preschool and kindergarten.


What are Learning Centers?


Learning Centers are several workshops in which students can focus on a specific activity (literacy-based, math-based, science-based etc.), and rotate. Learning centers are an integral part of the learning process.  They give the students an opportunity to put into practice what they have been learning.  They are an opportunity for students to practice skills both with others and independently. Centers also give teachers a chance to assist students on a more in-depth level using small group lessons.

Why are Learning Centers Important? 


  • Learning centers give students a sense of completion. They are presented with a task, they follow the steps to complete the task. They are able to take the activity from start to finish and complete it.  
  • Learning centers help develop confidence. The activities explored in the learning centers include a transdisciplinary approach.Students are able to complete the centers independently and you can watch their confidence soar!
  • Learning centers teach children to be independent. Centers allow students an appropriate level of challenge so they can work independently to reach a solution.
  • Children learn through play. The more an activity feels playful, make believe or game-like the more students will learn. When children feel like they are playing they’ll be more excited to do the activity and it will solidify  the skills. They are more likely to remember skills when they are playing with and manipulating materials, than simply doing a paper/pencil task.
  • In addition to promoting independence, learning centers give the teacher time to work with small groups and give extra attention to students in a smaller capacity. Learning centers offer so many ways to differentiate the instruction.

Centers at Tessa International School


There are two types of centers: Rotating Workshops and Center Time.


For rotating workshops, the teacher will generally create 3 to 4 groups (depending on the size of the class and the needs of the course) of 4-5 students.  


At least one group will work with the lead teacher, one with the assistant teacher, and one in autonomy. Students will work for 15 / 20 minutes on an activity and then rotate. 

Center times are activities located in specific areas around the classroom. Each specific area is also referred to as a center. Children work in small groups during center time, and they can also work independently.

At Tessa, each class has 5 centers: library, blocks, pretend, art, and discovery (math and science together). 

Children choose which center they want to go to, with a limitation of 3 children per center. 

These hands-on activities are a lot of fun, and a great tool to ensure students get to practice what they have been learning. 

To learn more on our program and pedagogy, contact us, schedule a private tour or join one of our upcoming events!

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Discover why our bilingual curriculum is one of the best! Explore how we combine learning with fun, making new friends, and encouraging a global mindset.

Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030