A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

How to Support Your Child as An IB PYP Parent

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is widely regarded as one of the most rigorous educational curricula worldwide, designed to develop “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect” (International Baccalaureate Organization, or IBO). While it offers significant benefits, it’s natural for parents to feel uncertain about what it involves and how to best support their child, especially in the early stages of the IB Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), when children are just starting to explore how they learn. So, how can caregivers support their child’s exciting and rewarding educational journey?

A parent engages in his son's sharing of his learning in IB PYP.

As a PYP parent, there are multiple specific ways you can support your child.

IB PYP at A Glance

IB PYP nurtures and develops young students, aged 3-12, as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. This Programme focuses a student-centered approach, with its framework emphasizing the central principle of agency, which underpins the three pillars of school life:

  • the learner
  • learning and teaching
  • the learning community.

Embedded within this framework is the recognition of the importance of fostering an individual’s self-efficacy. Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy are active participants in their own learning and take meaningful action within their learning community.

5 Tips to Support Your Child as A Learning Partner

As essential members of their child’s learning community, IB PYP parents play a key role in helping them deepen their learning. Here are five accessible ways, shared by the IBO, for parents to support their child’s learning at home. If you’re wondering how to better assist your child, these strategies will help you guide them in becoming lifelong learners, whether through formal learning connected to school or through incidental, unplanned learning from play, exploration, and life experiences.

  1. Take an inquiry stance. Parents are primary role models of their children, so your attitudes and positions can radically transform how children engage with the world. Instead of providing immediate answers to your child’s questions, encourage curiosity by responding with open-ended questions like, “What do you notice?” or “How might we explore that further?” This approach not only fosters critical thinking but also reinforces the value of inquiry-based learning through shared discovery. 
  2. Support your child’s agency. Empower your child by involving them in decision-making and encouraging their self-expression. Create time and space for their independent discoveries, and hold back from giving too many suggestions. By supporting their choices and emphasizing personal responsibility in their learning, you nurture children’s independence and self-confidence. 
  3. Support conceptual understanding. This notion is at the heart of IB PYP, where learning occurs through concept-driven Units of Inquiry within a transdisciplinary framework. During the Inquiry Learning Cycle, consider asking questions such as “What strategy did you use?” and “How and why did you do that?” These questions value their approach to the answers, encouraging children to articulate their reasoning and remain actively engaged in learning. More importantly, this process promotes them to connect ideas across disciplines and subjects, fostering a richer and more meaningful understanding of abstract concepts. 
  4. Prioritize reflection. Being reflective is one of the core attributes of the IB Learner Profiles, helping individuals become responsible members of communities. By encouraging children to think about their own thinking, you can help them develop metacognitive abilities and facilitate higher order thinking, including application, analysis, evaluation, and creation.
  5. Give feedback that goes beyond the moment. Comparing questions like “How are you doing?” with “What might come next? ”, you will find that the former may result in less thoughtful and forward-looking responses, while the latter shifts the focus from immediate, isolated outcomes to continuous learning. Whether during Student-Led Conferences or everyday learning moments, it is beneficial for parents to guide their children toward long-term growth and future inquiry.

IB PYP at Tessa International School

Tessa is proud to be an IB World School offering the PYP to students aged 2 to 10. Following its transdisciplinary framework, excellence spans across Science, Social Studies, Language and Literacy, Math, Arts, Social-Emotional Learning, and Physical Education, all while nurturing a lifelong love of learning in our students. 

As an international school offering bilingual education, the robust French National, Spanish, and Chinese Curricula as well as the US Standards are seamlessly integrated into our IB PYP Framework, formulating our distinctive educational approach. Students actively engage with dynamic unit topics through an immersive language experience grounded in real-life situations.


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A girl smiles happily on the first day back to school

5 Tips to Start The School Year off Right

A new school year is around the corner. A little preparation before the first school bell rings can effectively boost your child(ren)’s confidence for the months ahead. Here are some easy tips to set kids up with a good start, helping them be ready for a successful school year. 

Heartwarming classroom decorations to welcome students back to school

Welcome Back to School. Let’s make this year the year of “Fulfillment and Joy”!

1. (Re-) Establish daily routines. 

Summer break is often associated with rest, leisure, and a more relaxed schedule. To ensure a smooth transition back to school, it is helpful to spend time readjusting to structured school life. Introducing consistent routines helps children improve their time management skills and reduce any possible anxiety they may feel about entering a different environment. 

Start by adjusting bedtime and wake-up times. Gradually shift these schedules closer to the school timetable. Such step-by-step changes will ease the transition and benefit children over a longer term. 

2. Check the backpack. 

Do the school uniforms still fit? Are the water bottles and lunch boxes packed? The beginning of a new school year is an ideal time to create a checklist for all necessary school supplies. Ensuring the right supplies are organized and ready fosters your child(ren)’s enthusiasm for what lies ahead. 

Lovely students learning English when they back to school

Being prepared keeps children motivated and excited.

3. Complete all paperwork required

There are often forms and documents that need to be filled out and signed by parents before the school year officially begins. These documents are essential for accurate record-keeping and ensuring your child(ren)’s safety. By checking your email inbox and submitting these forms on time, you can avoid last-minute scrambles and help the school get to know your child(ren) better. 

4. Initiate constant communications with teachers. 

Have you received our Back-To-School email with your child(ren)’s class and teachers information? Open communication between parents and teachers is essential for maintaining a supportive educational atmosphere that benefits students. Always keep an eye on the communication channels, and remember to keep your contact information up-to-date. For the latest updates on school life and student achievements, be sure to check the school’s social media as well. 

Parents and teachers keep constant communication as a school year starts

Positive Parent-Teacher communication plays an important role in student development.

5. Get involved in the school community

Decades of research have shown that parental involvement is crucial for empowering your child(ren). Actively participating in the school community demonstrates to your kid that you value every step of their development. Additionally, this engagement helps you develop a collaborative network, keeping you informed about school events, policies, and opportunities. 

At Tessa, we believe that it is both the School’s and our parents’ joint mission to build a cohesive, global-minded community. Besides our amazing Parent Organization, we offer a range of leadership opportunities and chaperone positions awaiting your passion and ideas. Check out our recent school community email and event calendar. Sign up for those that fit into your schedule and interests. We are excited to create a thriving community where everyone feels welcome and valued! 

Tessa Community celebrates World Music Festival together.

You can help our Tessa community forge a path towards a brighter future. Join us today!


As summer comes to its inevitable end and a new school year begins, we cannot wait to discover the many ways your child(ren) will grow and develop this year. By working together, we can help make the new school year filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. Here’s to a fantastic school year where every moment is an opportunity for success and celebration!


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An international school student smiling while drawing during an art activity

Why Opting for an International School Will Transform Your Child’s Future

At Tessa International School, we understand that choosing your child’s educational path is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. Education is about acquiring knowledge that shapes a child’s future and prepares them for the complexities of the modern world. For this reason, there are many great reasons to choose an international school. 

Opting for an international school offers unique academic benefits that can profoundly transform your child’s future. What defines an international school? They are educational institutions that provide students with a globalized learning experience through multiple languages, cultural immersion, and curriculums that promote global citizenship. 

At Tessa International School, our distinctive educational approach nurtures bilingualism while seamlessly blending the globally acclaimed IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Framework with the robust French National Curriculum and US Standards. This fusion, alongside our Spanish and Mandarin tracks, creates a holistic and dynamic learning environment that equips students with the skills and competencies they need to thrive in the classroom and beyond.

Bilingualism and Immersive Language Learning

What is the point of an international school? One key advantage of an international school education at Tessa International School is the emphasis on bilingualism. In today’s interconnected world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is a valuable asset. 

Our unique approach enhances language proficiency while fostering a deep appreciation for different cultures and perspectives. Benefits of international education are well known and established, for example, bilingualism has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving and multitasking.  

Students at our international school experience a rich, multilingual environment where they are encouraged to think, explore, and communicate in English in addition to a choice of French, Mandarin, or Spanish. This immersive approach ensures that language learning is natural and effective. Though language learning is a major benefit, there are other compelling reasons to choose an international school.

A pair of international school students doing a science experiment at a table

Students at our international school benefit from multilingualism and cultural immersion

The Comprehensive IB PYP Framework

At the heart of our globally conscious educational philosophy is the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), a transdisciplinary framework integrating various subject areas. The PYP Framework at Tessa International School emphasizes excellence in Science, Social Studies, Language & Literacy, Math, the Arts, Social-Emotional Learning, and Physical Education.

A pair of international school students doing a sensory experiment at a table

Our international school introduces students to holistic learning through the IB PYP curriculum

By exploring real-world challenges, students learn to apply their knowledge meaningfully, preparing them for future academic pursuits and career success. The PYP Framework’s emphasis on holistic development ensures that students are intellectually, emotionally, and socially well-rounded.

Nicholas’s parents have noticed the positive impact of our didactic methodology. They said: “We are very pleased with the education Tessa has been providing for our son. We feel they offer an environment in which he can thrive and shine. In the few months he’s been there, his knowledge of Spanish has grown tremendously. We love hearing him count and sing in Spanish! And we can tell the teachers and administration care about each and every one of the students; he is genuinely happy to go to school each day. We are very happy to be a part of the Tessa family!”

Essential Skills for Future Success

An education at Tessa International School equips students with essential skills that extend far beyond the classroom. Our inquiry-based approach fosters critical thinking, research, self-management, social skills, and effective communication. 

  • Critical thinking is cultivated through activities encouraging students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information from multiple sources. 
  • Self-management skills are developed through goal-setting, time management, and personal responsibility. Students learn to take ownership of their learning, becoming self-directed and motivated. 
  • Collaborative activities emphasize teamwork, empathy, and effective communication and nurture social skills. 
  • Effective communication is a fundamental skill that our students develop through our approach. They learn to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively, in writing and verbally, through presentations, debates, and group discussions. 

These highly transferable skills are good reasons to choose an international school, as they are vital for academic achievement and are highly valued by educational institutions and employers in the global marketplace. 

Shaping a Brighter Future

At Tessa International School, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are academically proficient, emotionally intelligent, and socially responsible. By choosing our Spanish, Mandarin, or French Immersion school, you provide your child with an education that transcends traditional boundaries. Opting for the Tessa International School will profoundly transform your child’s future. 

Enrolling your child in our school invests in their academic success, personal growth, and a lifelong love of learning. Together, we can shape a brighter future for your child, one filled with endless possibilities and opportunities.

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A boy is reading a book.

How Bilingual Children Learn to Read

It is a common misconception that bilingual students might lag behind their monolingual peers in reading proficiency. In fact, decades of research have proved that bilingual students may become advanced readers and show advantages over their peers in a single-language learning environment. With encouragement and practice, bilingual children are able to achieve full biliteracy! 

How Bilingualism Puts Readers at An Advantage

A bilingual student is reading.

Bilingual education enables students to develop key components of successful reading.

Metalinguistic Awareness Development

Research has shown that bilingual children possess more elaborate reading strategies than monolingual children, presumably due to higher metalinguistic skills. 

Metalinguistic awareness refers to the ability to reflect upon and manipulate the structure of language. It is a set of skills that are related to multiple linguistic elements, including phonological, morphological, syntactic, and lexical awareness. To some extent, bilingual children can transfer these skills involved in learning one language to another, consequently accelerating their language learning.

Literacy Acquisition

As bilingual children develop their metalinguistic skills and language proficiency, they can gain further advantages in literacy acquisition. Exposure to multiple languages from a young age enables them to better understand the word structure and build a broader vocabulary range. These foundational capabilities could explain the finding that bilinguals tend to spell more complex vocabulary words in later grades.

Students in dual-language immersion programs perform as well as, or better than, their peers in core academic content areas by late elementary school. […] By the end of middle school, students in dual-language programs were performing one grade level higher on reading assessments than their peers who were not enrolled in these programs.”

Researchers from American University, 2016

Cognitive Development

Bilingualism fosters cognitive development, providing students with a robust cognitive reserve. Bilingual individuals typically exhibit stronger working memories and attention spans, contributing to academic and behavioral enhancements. Moreover, their ability to switch between languages cultivates flexible thinking and problem-solving skills. By navigating between different linguistic systems, bilingual students become adept at critically evaluating and resolving complex tasks.

How to Help Bilingual Students Gain Reading Fluency

Our teacher helps students in literacy acquisition.

With sufficient support, students can boost their reading abilities in both languages.

Even though bilingual education can provide students with many unique strengths, without proper instruction, their literacy in one language may become stunted. Here is a list of possible methods that adults can use to promote their students’ reading skills:

  • Recognize differences between the languages that may confuse emergent bilingual students. For example, extra support may be necessary for English-speaking students learning the Chinese writing system. 
  • Select strategically between the simultaneous and sequential dual-language programs for students. For instance, the Immersion Progression Model at Tessa International School facilitates a smooth transition from full immersion to balanced bilingual education, ensuring optimal language development.
  • Assign reading tasks in both languages to reinforce literacy skills across all languages in a student’s repertoire.
  • Encourage students to read aloud to each other, providing opportunities for collaboration and confidence-building.
  • Engage families in students’ bilingual language development by providing take-home library books and other resources to strengthen language skills outside the classroom. 


Fostering positive attitudes toward bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism is essential for creating optimal learning environments. While the journey may differ from traditional monolingual learning, bilingual education offers unique advantages that empower bilingual children to excel in reading and language skills for a lifetime.


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A preschool student at a French immersion school at a graduation presentation

Preschool vs. Pre-kindergarten: Similarities and Differences

As you explore early childhood education options for your child, you may encounter terms like “preschool” and “pre-kindergarten” (pre-k). While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, you may wonder, what’s the difference between preschool and pre-k?

At Tessa International School, we understand the importance of knowing the subtle yet meaningful differences between various educational programs to choose the best one for your child’s developmental stage and learning needs.

This blog post defines preschool and pre-k, highlights their key differences, and explains how our preschool program prepares children for future academic success.

Defining Preschool and Pre-kindergarten

Preschool at our French international school and its other two bilingual tracks, Mandarin and Spanish, is an early childhood education program designed for children aged 2 to 4. It focuses on social, emotional, and cognitive development through play-based learning and structured activities. Preschool aims to nurture a child’s curiosity, creativity, and social skills, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning.

Pre-Kindergarten, on the other hand, is a program specifically designed for children aged 4 to 5, typically the year before they enter kindergarten. Pre-K emphasizes school readiness with a curriculum that includes early literacy, math concepts, and social skills. The goal is to prepare children for the structured kindergarten environment and beyond.

Students at a French immersion school working together at a table

The main difference between preschool and pre-kindergarten is the age of students.

What’s the Difference Between Preschool and Pre-K

What’s the difference between preschool and pre-k? Preschool programs are for younger children, usually between 2 and 4, while pre-k programs are for children 4 to 5. What is the best age to start preschool? Preschool programs are for younger children between ages 2 and 3. The average age to start is three; however, this depends on the child.

The curriculum focus also varies; preschools concentrate on play-based learning and socialization, whereas pre-k programs have a more structured curriculum emphasizing academic readiness.

Additionally, preschools offer flexible duration options, including half-day and full-day attendance, while pre-k programs often follow a more standardized schedule, similar to a full school day.

Lastly, while both programs aim to foster holistic development, preschools focus more on social and emotional skills, creativity, and basic cognitive abilities. Pre-k programs emphasize preparing children for kindergarten academic demands, focusing more on literacy, numeracy, and school readiness skills.

The Preschool Program at Tessa International School

At our French immersion school program and its other two bilingual tracks, Mandarin and Spanish, we believe early childhood education is the cornerstone of a child’s academic journey. Our preschool program is designed to nurture the whole child, providing a warm, multicultural environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning.

We offer bilingual education, allowing children to learn in English, Spanish, French, or Mandarin, fostering early language acquisition and cultural awareness.

A French immersion school class learning math with their teacher

Preschool at our French international school prepares children to excel in kindergarten.

Our preschool program focuses on social-emotional development, prioritizing developing social skills, emotional regulation, and empathy. We emphasize cognitive growth through play-based learning and hands-on activities, encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Physical well-being is another key component, with activities and outdoor play incorporated to promote healthy development and motor skills. As an international school, we celebrate cultural diversity, encouraging children to appreciate and learn from different cultures.

By providing a holistic and nurturing preschool experience, we prepare our children not just for pre-K or kindergarten but for a lifetime of learning and discovery.

Choosing the right early childhood education program is crucial for your child’s development. Understanding the differences between preschool and pre-kindergarten can help you make an informed decision that best suits your child’s needs.

At Tessa International School, our preschool program offers a unique blend of play-based learning, language immersion, and cultural diversity, preparing children for academic success and global citizenship. If you want to learn more about our preschool program, we invite you to visit our campus and experience the Tessa difference.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the best age to start preschool?

Answer: Preschool programs are for younger children between ages 2 and 3. The average age to start is three; however, this depends on the child.

Question: What’s the difference between preschool and pre-k?

Answer: Preschool programs are for younger children, usually between 2 and 4, while pre-K programs are for children 4 to 5.

A group of kindergarten students working on assignments together

The Unique Appeal of French Immersion Schools for Bilingual Education

In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to speak multiple languages is precious, offering students academic, future career, and personal benefits. At Tessa International School, we understand the importance of bilingual education and are dedicated to providing an immersive learning experience that prepares our students for global success.

Here, we’ll explore the benefits of bilingual education, the unique advantages of learning French, and how our French immersion program sets the stage for lifelong achievement.

The Power of Bilingual Education

Bilingual education offers a wealth of advantages that extend beyond the ability to converse in another language. Research has shown that bilingual children exhibit enhanced cognitive flexibility, improved problem-solving skills, and greater cultural empathy. These attributes are beneficial in academic settings and highly sought after in the professional world.

Bilingualism even fosters specific social skills that help children connect with others, such as understanding varying perspectives and communication. At Tessa, our full-immersion (preschool) and dual-language (primary school) teaching approaches ensure that students fully benefit from bilingual education’s critical cognitive and socio-emotional benefits. Why is French a particularly appealing choice? Let’s explore the answer.

A class of young students reading books

The bilingual education at our French school promotes several valuable skills.

Why Choose a French School for Your Child?

French school provides a rich cultural heritage and a gateway to numerous global opportunities. French is considered a ‘world language,’ spoken by over 300 million people across the globe, making it the fifth most spoken language in the world. 

Students proficient in French can navigate our globalized society with confidence and ease. Your child gains access to a world of possibilities by choosing French immersion at Tessa International School.

French Immersion at Tessa International School

How does the instruction at Tessa International School stand out among other French schools? At Tessa, we pride ourselves on offering a French immersion program that goes beyond traditional language learning.

From Nursery through Kindergarten, our students are taught in French 80% of the time, allowing them to build robust and lifelong language foundations at a uniquely advantageous developmental stage. In primary school, students spend half their week with their English teacher and the other half with their French teacher, ensuring a balanced bilingual education.

A young student posing with two of her teachers

The instruction style at Tessa stands out among other French schools.

Accredited by the French Ministry of Education and inspired by the French school system, our unique approach also emphasizes teaching content in French. This means that students learn subjects like science, math, and social studies in French, encouraging students to practice thinking in French and providing a deeper and more meaningful language learning experience. Our highly qualified educators, native French speakers from around the world, collaborate to streamline learning, ensuring that what is taught in one language is applied in the other, building language skills simultaneously.

Preparing for Success

The benefits of bilingualism for the developing brain are undeniable, and research indicates that the brain circuits associated with language learning are more flexible at a young age. That’s why we started French immersion at Tessa at two years old. This early exposure facilitates language acquisition and prepares students for a future where bilingualism is a significant asset.

French immersion at Tessa differs from other French language schools, offering a uniquely immersive approach to bilingual education. Exposing students to a rich linguistic and cultural environment equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a global society. If you’re considering a bilingual education for your child, Tessa International School’s French immersion program is an excellent choice for laying the foundation for a successful future.

Still curious about bilingualism at Tessa?

Download this webinar titled The Gift of Bilingualism by Kathleen Visconti here.

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Creating a Language-Rich Environment at Home: A Guide to Supporting Language Learning

How can you support language learning at home? In the fascinating journey of language development, the more the home language is fortified, the more it strengthens the acquisition of a new language! This dynamic process, known as translanguaging, plays a pivotal role in your child’s linguistic voyage. Language gains strength when words hold meaning across various languages. For instance, there can be two or three words (in any language) that mean “story,” and having a robust understanding of the concept in any language helps reinforce the others. In this blog post, we’ll explore daily practices that not only help your child learn your family’s language but also contribute to their overall success in various aspects of life.

Parents at a school international fair

Parents Sharing Their Cultural Heritage at Tessa International School’s UN Day Celebration

Tips to Support Your Child’s Language Learning Journey

  • Use Your Native Language at Home:

Incorporating your home language into daily life is a powerful way to enrich your child’s understanding of their heritage. Whether your native language aligns with the country you reside in or not, it provides a unique and invaluable perspective that will benefit your child in numerous ways.

  • Tell Stories and Sing Songs:

Your family’s cultural heritage is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Share stories, rhymes, and songs from your childhood to create a joyful and immersive language-learning experience for your child. Reading books together daily, regardless of the language, stimulates imagination and strengthens language skills. Discussing pictures and narratives fosters language development, creating a strong foundation for literacy.

  • Check Out Materials in Your Language from the Library:

Libraries are invaluable resources for expanding language exposure. Explore books, videos, and music in your native language. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to ask the library staff for assistance. At Tessa International School, our library is full of books in English, Spanish, French and Mandarin, but also in other languages spoken by our families. 

  • Talk About Your Traditions and Culture:

Integrate your language and traditions into your child’s educational environment. Share family stories, songs, and games with teachers and peers. Similarly to all the celebrations we hold at school (Lunar New Year, La Chandeleur, Día de la Velitas and more), celebrate your heritage at home with your family, to foster a sense of pride in their cultural identity.

  • Decorate Your Child’s Bedroom and Your Home: 

Decorate the child’s room with posters, toys, puzzles and artwork that feature the culture of the target and home language. If you can, use everyday items in the target and home language to reinforce vocabulary.

  • Look for Activities in Your Community:

Participate in cultural events and connect with other families who share your home language. Create a supportive network and organize events to celebrate and strengthen linguistic ties within your community.

  • Continue Using Your Home Language as Your Children Grow Older:

Engage in open conversations about the benefits of bilingualism as children grow. Even if they respond in English, maintaining your language at home keeps communication lines open and reinforces cultural identity.

  • Remember Your Key Role:

Parents and family members play a pivotal role in a child’s life. What you value, your child learns to value. Reinforce the importance of your family’s language and culture, fostering a sense of pride and heritage. 

Learning a language is also tremendous for a child’s self esteem. Let your child know you are very proud of their special achievement. Ask them to tell or teach you a new word, and keep a list on the wall. Review and add to it!


Promoting Language Learning at Home When it’s not Your Native Language:

For families who primarily speak one language at home, there are still numerous ways to foster second language development. Utilize books, audio books, songs, and other resources to create an environment that encourages language exploration and learning.

End of Unit Celebration with school parent

Tessa International School parent supporting the learning journey of her children


Don’t be concerned if your child does not share the language they’re learning at school with you at first. Children are very territorial with languages, and instinctively know who speaks what! They do not “translate”, but assign conceptual meaning to all words regardless of language. 

Benefits of Being Bilingual:

Bilingualism offers a multitude of advantages, including enhanced thinking skills, social-emotional development, improved learning capabilities, and long-term success in an increasingly globalized world. Bilingual individuals exhibit flexibility in problem-solving, better focus, and an aptitude for learning multiple languages.

Learn more about bilingualism and language development on Tessa International School’s Website.

Tessa International School students tell us the languages they speak at home and at school.

By incorporating your family’s native language into your daily routines, you not only preserve your cultural heritage but also equip your child with invaluable tools for success. Talk, read, and sing together every day to lay the foundation for a bright and multilingual future, supporting your child’s language learning journey at home, and ensuring your child thrives academically, socially, and culturally.

A class of primary students at Tessa International School holding up a poster of the earth written in Spanish.

4 Benefits of an International Education: A World of Opportunity

In an increasingly interconnected world, providing your child with an international education is a vital investment in their future. Beyond the traditional classroom setting, international education offers many advantages beyond academic achievement. At Tessa International School, our students benefit from four key aspects of international schooling that contribute to the holistic development of young minds. They carry these benefits well into their adulthood. Keep reading to discover them!

1. Cultural Competence Is One of the Benefits of International Education

What are the most important benefits of having international students in a school? One of the most significant advantages of an international education is the cultivation of cultural competence. Exposing young children to diverse cultures from an early age fosters an understanding and appreciation for global perspectives.

Through interaction with peers from various backgrounds, children learn to navigate and embrace differences, developing a sense of open-mindedness and empathy. This cultural competence becomes a lifelong asset, preparing them to thrive in an interconnected world where collaboration and understanding across borders are essential.

2. Students at Tessa Benefit From Improved Language Proficiency 

An international education involves exposure to multiple languages. Little minds are like sponges, absorbing linguistic nuances with ease. At Tessa, we take advantage of this optimal window of opportunity by providing a multilingual environment where our students soak up Spanish, French, and Mandarin lessons.

A class of Tessa International School primary students presenting a concert on multiculturalism.

Multilingualism is a benefit of international school that improves development.

Multilingualism enhances cognitive abilities and provides a solid foundation for future language acquisition. Proficiency in multiple languages facilitates effective communication and opens up opportunities in an increasingly globalized job market. Moreover, it fosters a deep appreciation for language as a tool for connecting with others and understanding different cultures. Multilingualism is one of the most unifying benefits of international education.

3. Students Develop a Global Perspective and Strong Critical Thinking Skills

International education fosters a global perspective, encouraging little ones to think beyond geographical boundaries. Exposure to diverse curricula (we offer international baccalaureate and kindergarten programs accredited by the French Ministry of Education) and teaching methods challenges children to think critically, analyze situations from multiple angles, and develop problem-solving skills.

This broader worldview is a unique benefit of international education that equips children to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. These critical thinking skills are invaluable, empowering young learners to approach challenges with creativity and adaptability, which are essential for success in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Two young Tessa International school students in class raising their hands.

Students at our international school develop cognitive solid and learning abilities.

4. Network Building and Future Opportunities

The friendships and connections formed during an international education can last a lifetime and extend across the globe. Building a network of friends from different countries provides a unique support system and rich cultural insights. As our friends at Tessa grow into adults, these global connections can open doors to exciting opportunities in various fields. Navigating diverse social and professional environments becomes a distinct advantage, setting the stage for a bright future.

Why is international school important for students? In an increasingly interconnected world, providing your child with an international education is a smart investment in their future. What is the impact of international education? This educational approach equips students with the necessary tools by fostering cultural competence, language proficiency, global perspective, and network building. As we look ahead, providing our children with an international education is a commitment to preparing our little ones for the challenges and opportunities of a world without borders.

Are you ready to enroll your child in our international school?

Contact Tessa to learn more!

A class of students learning an international school curriculum posing together in a circle on a map carpet in a classroom.

What Is an International School and Why Should You Consider One?

As a parent of a school-going child, you may wonder how you can provide an education that prepares them for our rapidly changing world. International schools offer children a range of unique benefits and competencies that they will continue to use throughout their education and far into the future.

At Tessa, we’re proud of the diversity within our community, and we understand that a quality international education offers so much more than language instruction. Keep reading for a comprehensive introduction to international schools, the special features they offer, and why you should consider enrolling your child. 

What Is an International School?

According to a report by ISC Research, the popularity of international schools has grown significantly in the past ten years. As of 2022, we’ve seen an astounding 60% increase in the number of international schools across the globe. Why is this? Since most parents today are involved in a global workforce, they are aware of the benefits an international education offers as the world grows more connected each day.

Forward-thinking parents seek an education for their children that provides the skills and attitudes necessary for navigating an increasingly connected society. That’s where international schools come in. What is an international school

International schools provide globalized education to students, often introducing them to different languages and cultures. Typically located in diverse, metropolitan areas, international schools are particularly appealing to expat families who may be seeking a familiar learning environment for their children. Of course, the benefits of international schooling apply to every child, no matter their background. What unique features do they offer?

A line of students learning an international school curriculum dressed in cultural attire speaking to each other at a cultural event.

An international school curriculum is transferable and diverse.

Special Features of International School

When you enroll your child in an international school, you can expect an enriched educational experience that provides the following special features: 

  • Transferable Curriculum: International schools often follow curriculums like the International Baccalaureate, which is the same all over the world. As a result, children who transfer from one international school to another can adjust seamlessly on an academic level. Tessa is proudly recognized as an IB school offering the Primary Years Program (PYP). Academic programs are certainly major factors to consider when choosing an international school
  • Familiar Learning Environment For Expat Students: Intentional schools can provide much-needed familiarity to expat students. For example, Tessa is accredited by the French Ministry of Education, providing a learning experience that our French expat families are acquainted with. As many students and their families are experiencing a new culture, international schools support the needs of the multicultural experience.
  • An Introduction To Global Citizenship: Global citizenship refers to a valuable quality that an individual possesses. It’s an understanding and respect for the world’s interconnectedness and diversity. A global citizen is aware of the world around them and takes meaningful action. These individuals display qualities that employers all over the world are seeking. At Tessa, students are immersed in a wide variety of cultures and are taught to appreciate the differences among them. 

Why You Should Consider International School

There are so many reasons to consider international school for your child. At Tessa, we provide Spanish, French, and Mandarin bilingual tracks in addition to lessons in English. However, the learning experience at Tessa goes beyond language proficiency. Our lifelong learning model sets the foundation for positive development and endows our students with skills that will continue to serve them throughout life.

A class of students learning an international school curriculum presenting an internationally-themed play in front of spectators.

Our international school curriculum prepares students to thrive.

Isabelle’s dad said of her experience with us: “It’s not just bilingualism. Tessa helped my daughter speak complete sentences in Spanish (which is amazing!), but every day, there’s something new and enriching: from the cultural speakers to Liberty Science Center visitors and music classes – it’s great knowing that your child is at an elite school that’s really pulling out all the stops to help them develop.” 

Are you curious about our international school curriculum

Contact Tessa for more information!

5 Tips to Teach Your Child to Share

I was standing at the door one morning as a child entered eating a breakfast roll. I jokingly asked if I could have a bite, to which the response was a resounding ”NO!” The mom told her child that it is nice to share, but the child insisted that “Mommy we are not supposed to share food!”.
In fact, young children do not yet grasp the concept of sharing. It is a complex developmental task. Here are a few tips on modeling teaching your child to share.

Too Young to Share?

If you’ve ever taken your young child to a public playspace you’ve undoubtedly heard parents or nannies barking at their little companion to share.

“Share, Frances!” “Arthur, you need to share!”

But there’s a difference between telling your child to share at playtime and teaching and modeling sharing behaviors to your child.

Sharing is so difficult for little ones because it involves so many of the big hard skills that they just haven’t mastered yet: self-regulation, communication, patience and empathy. They’re difficult concepts, and for that reason, sharing truly is a developmental milestone.

Before the age of 3.5, in fact, children really aren’t even able to wrap their minds around the concept of sharing, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics

“Sharing is complex and something children aren’t ready for developmentally and cognitively until about the age of four – and for some children older,” says Rachel Duda, VP of Learning at Vivvi. “If your child isn’t doing this yet at the age of 2 or 3 it is not something to be concerned about, because they’re not developmentally ready.” 

Before they get to this milestone though, she says, “It is important that grownups model sharing in everyday life and narrate and name what’s happening.”

Here are five steps to help you model and teach sharing to your child during playtime:


No Grabbing Please

Imagine being lost in a world of play with a toy and then another kid (or grown up!) grabs it and takes it away. Ouch! That can be so upsetting and disruptive. Sharing and taking turns is so much easier when there’s a firm No Snatching rule in place.

For a child that can understand fairness, this concept can be discussed: snatching never feels fair and little children really desire a sense of fairness. For a child not yet able to comprehend that, a little parenting redirection can help. When a snatch happens, help the child responsible give the toy back to the child who had it first and then help them negotiate sharing using the steps that follow this one.

Admittedly as parents, sometimes we need to pick up our child’s toys and get them out the door or in the bed—even when they don’t want us to do it. But here, we suggest giving your child warnings. “Two more minutes with the blocks before bedtime,” etc.


Complete their Play

When your young child is playing with blocks or dolls or pots and pans, they have a game at play. Although everyone else may be completely oblivious to what they’re doing, your young child has developed rules and missions and feelings for this game in their mind. And they’d really, really like to finish it before they have to give it to the next child in line. You can understand that, right?

Help them come to a natural completion of their play before they pass the toy off by allowing them the time and space they need to finish their game.


Put a time frame On It

You can help your child find a natural completion to their play by asking them how much longer they need. Would your child like one, two or three more minutes with their toy before they share it?

For example, you’d say, “Mila, it really seems like Libby would like a turn with that doll. How much longer would you like with a doll to finish up your game?”

If Mila says “I don’t want to share” you can remind her that she gets to choose how much longer she gets with the doll. Would she like one, two or three minutes?


Taking Turns

Once you’ve navigated your way through the initial share, you may see this is a toy many children are interested in having a turn with.

Help them figure out an order for their share rotation – who goes first, second, third. You may find the children organically play and pass off to the next child without any interference necessary. Yippee! If that isn’t the case, you have a few options. You can remind each child, “one more minute then pass to Elsie,” or you can bring out a timer.

Tip: Make sure to narrate and thank children for showing kindness. “Gigi, you passed the toy to Leon so gently! Great job!”


Give your child freedom to create the play on their own terms – but also are available to help with conflict resolution when needed.


Kathleen Visconti

Head of School

Join us at Tessa International School

Discover why our bilingual curriculum is one of the best! Explore how we combine learning with fun, making new friends, and encouraging a global mindset.

Tessa International School

Office: (201) 755-5585 | Location: 720 Monroe St. Hoboken, NJ 07030